turn a fire on and off & filter query

08-23-2006, 01:04 PM
ok i have a fire entity parented to a tank....its set to disabled..

when a invisible block on the tank is hit with a rocket it breaks and outputs, fire enable, fire start(i think, or maybe startfire).

and i cant make the fire start. what am i missing?

i would also love to have a filter that says func_breakable only breaks on bazooka damage (from allies), to stop bad axis players killing their own tanks.

08-25-2006, 01:50 AM
any thoughts?

also i have a func breakable that takes rocket damage to kill it (124hp damage to die)....i then want that it either:

enable another func_breakable (i havnt worked out any way to do this as func_breakable dont have enable/disable options), or........
have it so the func_breakable has 248 hp and only takes rocket damage at a loss of 124 hp damage each time....so that 2 rockets are needed to get a kill..

any of this possible (via filters maybe)?

08-25-2006, 01:54 AM
No. You need to calculate the exact max amount each rocket does to the func_breakable (it could be a different number based on the distance it's fired from), then multiply that by 2. It may need 3 or more rockets though.

I wonder....What is your map design so it requires all these things?

08-25-2006, 02:34 AM
im experimenting with tanks maps and im trying to make it more complicated...this is what it does at the moment:

work in progress dod_tankassault

this is a proof of concept test on the new tank mode.
the tank game play mode was originaly createdby INKIT (well done that man)

im testing what can be done with these kinds of levels to make it a bit more complext and this is what i have come up with:

tiger tank escourted by axis troops.
Any troops who get infront of the moving tank will be squashed...any players who manage to get stuck inside the tank will die instantly (as on this type of map players are often getting stuck inside when the tank turns and catches on them).

the tank will only move when a axis player is behind or to the sides of it. you cant camp on top or infront of the tank to make it move.

The tank will fire 1 round every 20 seconds at any allied soldier who gets infront of the tank (about 30 yards or so infront is the kill zone)

the tank will in some sections stop and look towards a fortified position (in the video its a small wood test bunker), if there is no one in the area it will not fire..if a allied soldier is in that fortified position it will be blown up (physics enabled blocks of wood etc will get blasted around when its blown up)

the tank will break through barbed wire to create gaps to attack through (the barbed wire cant be passed through by players due to invisible walls extending up from the wire to the sky.

the tanks can be destoryed with 1 rocket to the left or right track. it will then stoip moving and will smoke (maybe set on fire).
the target area is bright on the test as i wanted to remember where they were..in the final map i may make them coloured so noobies will see the colour and think..hmm maybe i can shoot it.

obviously the level is basic (put together in a few mins), so expect it to be very complicated when i end up finishing it.

im still trying to find out a way to make the tanks take 2 hits to die as i think 1 is too little.

note that when the level is done...the 1st german attack wave will be up to 16 soldiers escourting 2 tanks at once...
there are 2 back up tanks that will deploy when a previous tank is killed.

axis objective, escourt tank to destory 2 barbed wire fences, and then cap the flags.
allied objective. stop the tanks, hold out for a set amount of time.

08-25-2006, 02:36 AM
so i would love the tank to set on fire when rocketed (cant work out how to enable/start a fire)

i would love it to onl take damage from bazooka's to stop axis players killing their own tank.

i would love the tank to take 2 rockets to kill it (either by some how changing the 2nd breakable areas health from 300 say..down to 124 so it can be blown up...or enable it somehow (cant work it out)

08-25-2006, 10:11 AM
woot the tank now dies with 4 hits in the tracks with rockets...however i would still love a way to make it set on fire and make the breakable stuff only affected by allied bazookas

08-25-2006, 11:06 AM
create a filter_activator_team
set it on only allow allies
name it filter_allied

then point the damage filter of the func_breakable to filter_allied :)


i looked into the fire thingy
just make a env_fire
give it a name and parent it to your tank
dont edit anything (except the size since 64 is kinda small)
and enable the infinite duration flag

then just add an onbreak output linked to your fire using StartFire and it should work :)

start with that and if that works start changing flags/keys if you need to :)

i crashed dod:s a couple of times when trying to enable/disable the env_fire
so it seems that it's a bit buggy :)

gl with you map ^^

08-25-2006, 11:27 AM
thanks ill try that. hope the map can be as fun as urs :-)

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