[REL] dod_elden final / dod_elden_cap

08-14-2006, 04:39 PM
I've made a new version of elden, final release because i'm bored from this map.

pic (http://www.sordier.com/maps/screen/dod_elden/dod_elden2.jpg)

Info and changelog here (http://www.sordier.com/maps/maps.html)
download bsp here (http://www.sordier.com/maps/bsp/dod_elden.rar)
download bz2 here (http://www.sordier.com/maps/bsp/dod_elden.bsp.bz2)

And a detonation version of elden with 4 objectifs (axis defend)

download bsp here (http://www.sordier.com/maps/bsp/dod_elden_cap_b1.rar)
download bz2 here (http://www.sordier.com/maps/bsp/dod_elden_cap_b1.bsp.bz2)

I hope you enjoy it :confused: and I wait for feedback.


08-17-2006, 01:50 AM

Download Here! (http://www.oneworldsyndicate.com/owsdownloads/index.php?act=view&id=191)

08-25-2006, 09:33 PM

Mirror --> http://csm2.net/view_map.php?map_id=2764

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