[Rel] dod_anvil2_rc1
08-11-2006, 06:42 AM
I hate that we have to use this crazy title scheme to get releases out but so be it. As stated in my WIP post this is a specific attempt to compress gameplay and get a more concentrated form of combat going. The two main problems w/the currently deployed anvil are the sound loop and the chaotic gameplay. I think I've fixed the sound loop for the majority of players and we'll find out if my changes to gameplay prove to make the map more fun to play or not.
It's understood that some of you here like the large meandering type of maps (like Koln, Seg3, and others from the old days) but that doesn't appeal to me at all and I think the core problem with anvil is gameplay. I get bored with it after 30 minutes of playing so this is my attempt to add some jalepeno peppers to the mix. This test release is the "gameplay" release so it's ok to point out graphical errors but I'm neither overly interested nor concerned about those...it's the gameplay you should concentrate on:
A) Are the caps area's defendable or are they unbalanced?
B) Does the gameplay flow back-and-forth or is it one-sided?
C) Are there any clear advantages to one side or the other?
D) Do the physics items change gameplay?
E) Are there any unintended exploits (poor clipping allowing roof access)?
F) Are their any "sticky" spots?
G) Is the lighting sufficient in the darker area's of the map to see properly?
H) Are the cap zones themselves fair?
I) Is the performance acceptable (fps-wise)?
Major Changes/fixes
1) Compressed gameplay w/path changes.
2) No reports of a bad "sound looping" bug
3) Area's where there was either limited combat or a campers paradise have been removed.
4) Additional detail has been added.
5) FPS is generally better
6) Replaced all the caps (except the mid cap)
7) All caps except mid only require one person
Known issues
1) Initial spawns not facing "to the front"
2) Some allied spawns in too open an area
3) Some draw distances on models too short
4) One rubble model not lit very well.
5) Some displacement terrain does not show effects of being shot at.
6) Need to get that white kublewagen icon turned to the dark side.
Have fun!
Devils Rear
08-11-2006, 07:29 AM
Brilliant - always love a release on a friday - gives me a good chance to play it at the weekend :)
up and running on :- !! INX-Gaming.co.uk >> dodirectory.com - 66 Tick
Will post back with comments etc
Ok to include your map in the next map pack?
08-11-2006, 07:40 AM
Originally posted by Devils Rear
Brilliant - always love a release on a friday - gives me a good chance to play it at the weekend :)
up and running on :- !! INX-Gaming.co.uk >> dodirectory.com - 66 Tick
Will post back with comments etc
Ok to include your map in the next map pack?
You should really wait for the final release...that will come a week or so from now after I get all teh feedback in.
THe hAXis
08-11-2006, 08:14 AM
Originally posted by FuzzDad
It's understood that some of you here like the large meandering type of maps (like Koln, Seg3, and others from the old days)
Have fun!
It's not the like the first one is just going to completely disappear. So we will have two versions to make everyone happy yAYY!! I will look for this tonight.
08-11-2006, 01:10 PM
noticed a lot of files separate from the .bsp
does the release need .res file for servers
Thank you
08-11-2006, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by quint
noticed a lot of files separate from the .bsp
does the release need .res file for servers
Thank you
Yup...my apologies but packrat and the other bsp-packers are not picking up a some of the files and after four or five attempts at it I quit. I'll get someone to do the final version of the map when that comes out (next week sometime probably).
08-11-2006, 11:03 PM
Excellent job Fuzzdad.
Devils Rear
08-12-2006, 12:24 AM
Originally posted by FuzzDad
Yup...my apologies but packrat and the other bsp-packers are not picking up a some of the files and after four or five attempts at it I quit. I'll get someone to do the final version of the map when that comes out (next week sometime probably).
Yeah I noticed that - I included all the files into the BSP before I put it on our server - guess it won't matter as the final version will be out very soon.
BTW excellent map - great on a 32 player - and intensive action - beats running and running all the time.
Very nice map, but i miss sum custom sounds.
08-12-2006, 04:50 AM
Originally posted by FuzzDad
Yup...my apologies but packrat and the other bsp-packers are not picking up a some of the files and after four or five attempts at it I quit. I'll get someone to do the final version of the map when that comes out (next week sometime probably).
ah no worries
ive made a .res file here if anyone wants it ( not yet tested though )
i'll try and get a few good plays in over the weekend and see what feedback is like
glad to hear the sound loop is gone, was the only real issue with the previous Anvil
all the best with the next release
08-12-2006, 10:24 AM
dod_anvil2_rc1 is now uploaded to our server and included in our map voting list:
=A82A= DoD:S Airborne Since '02
08-12-2006, 01:15 PM
Its also running on our server.
08-14-2006, 05:23 PM
pretty good, feels generally smoother etc and no sound looping as far as i can tell
not convinced taking away high points above tank on Allied side is a good thing though, but other than that a finely tuned sharper Anvil
Jimmy Crack Corn
08-16-2006, 09:12 AM
We're getting some purple and black checkers on some of the building walls. Any suggestions other than rebooting both the server, personal pc's and deleting and re-installing the map?
08-16-2006, 10:33 AM
My guess is the res file you setup for it missed the building texture. Look to see if you have...
...setup properly in the res file. Make sure you have the case set right (linux servers are case sensitive). Then look to your dod\materials\Building_Template\ folder and make sure they are there. If not re-download the files from my web site and give it another go.
Jimmy Crack Corn
08-16-2006, 12:11 PM
Thanks for the reply. The materials were there as well. I'm gonna re-download those textures and replace them and give that a try. You are correct about the linux server as that's what we have.
Here's the res file I created and used.
"scripts/soundscapes_dod_anvil2_rc1.txt" "file"
"materials/Building_Template/anvilBuilding_Template020b.vmt" "file"
"materials/Building_Template/anvilBuilding_Template020b.vtf" "file"
"materials/Building_Template/anvilBuilding_Template020c.vmt" "file"
"materials/Building_Template/anvilBuilding_Template020c.vtf" "file"
"materials/decals/fd_poster3.vmt" "file"
"materials/decals/fd_poster3.vtf" "file"
"materials/decals/fd_poster4.vmt" "file"
"materials/decals/fd_poster4.vtf" "file"
"materials/decals/holes128_01.vmt" "file"
"materials/decals/holes128_01.vtf" "file"
"materials/decals/holes128_02.vmt" "file"
"materials/decals/holes128_02.vtf" "file"
"materials/decals/holes128_03.vmt" "file"
"materials/decals/holes128_03.vtf" "file"
"materials/decals/holes128_04.vmt" "file"
"materials/decals/holes128_04.vtf" "file"
"materials/decals/holes128_05.vmt" "file"
"materials/decals/holes128_05.vtf" "file"
"materials/decals/holes128_06.vmt" "file"
"materials/decals/holes128_06.vtf" "file"
"materials/decals/holes128_07.vmt" "file"
"materials/decals/holes128_07.vtf" "file"
"materials/decals/holes128_08.vmt" "file"
"materials/decals/holes128_08.vtf" "file"
"materials/decals/prodventa.vmt" "file"
"materials/decals/prodventa.vtf" "file"
"materials/mapDesc/dod_anvil2_rc1.jpg" "file"
"materials/nature/anvilcliffface001a.vmt" "file"
"materials/nature/anvilcliffface001a.vtf" "file"
"materials/overviews/dod_anvil2_rc1.vmt" "file"
"materials/overviews/dod_anvil2_rc1.vtf" "file"
"materials/rubble/anvil_blend2.vmt" "file"
"materials/rubble/anvil_blend3.vmt" "file"
"materials/rubble/rubble_flash001.vmt" "file"
"materials/rubble/rubble_flash001.vtf" "file"
"materials/rubble/rubble_it003.vmt" "file"
"materials/rubble/rubble_it003.vtf" "file"
"resource/maphtml/dod_anvil2_rc1_english.html" "file"
"resource/overviews/dod_anvil2_rc1.txt" "file"
"materials/sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_kuebelwagen_allies.vmt" "file"
"materials/sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_kuebelwagen_allies.vtf" "file"
"materials/sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_kuebelwagen_axis.vmt" "file"
"materials/sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_kuebelwagen_axis.vtf" "file"
I'll let you know if that fixes it.
Thanks again, JCC
Jimmy Crack Corn
08-16-2006, 12:27 PM
I went and checked the server and the download url location and the server folder had a lowercase "b" & "t" for Building_Template. I renamed it with the capital "B" & "T" and viola wall textures.
Thanks FuzzDad
08-16-2006, 01:29 PM
Yea...I tried a few of the bsp packers but they sometimes work and sometimes don't get the paths right, etc...I have the "final" anvil2 ready to go so I'll probably be releasing that on Friday. I might ask for help w/packing tools.
08-16-2006, 01:48 PM
fuzz i had loads of probs, untill i updated to the latest version of pakrat 095.
all seems to work now
note it does tend to change manual added content paths to uppercase
08-16-2006, 01:59 PM
Yea I have that version. I noticed that but even after I manually did the work it putzed on me. I also know that if you try and repack a few files after the first load it sometimes goes nuts on you too. Of course...one really can't complain about free stuff...it's comes with "Use at your own risk"...
08-17-2006, 01:55 AM
Download Here! (http://www.oneworldsyndicate.com/owsdownloads/index.php?act=view&id=192)
08-18-2006, 10:52 AM
dod_anvil2 (final release) is basically ready but I'm just struggling with packrat (custom icons refuse to pack) so I'll probably just zip it up and include a res file. Also...has anyone had success packing the html map description files into the bsp yet? I can do it but get this massive slow down on start-up as it reads that specific html file.
dod_anvil2 fixes all the visual errors in rc1 I could find, updates the axis spawn exit a tad (looks more realistic), I reworked the allied-side hotel entrance to make it easier to jump in, I slightly adjusted allied one to better cover allies as they exit the spawn, I added a tad more detail to area's I felt could afford the perf hit (mostly spawn area's), I made a few more physics props non-moveable (like pianos), and reworked the brush and model errors I found.
08-18-2006, 05:14 PM
Maybe someone else can pack it for you?
08-18-2006, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by bazooka
Maybe someone else can pack it for you?
Yea...the guys at DoDF are helping. I have another small change required to keep the allied spawn from getting horribly camped (That Bennett...always demanding... :) ) but outside of that anvil2's ready. Mebbie ready for some serious 8x8 action too...
08-18-2006, 09:54 PM
Have you tried Map Analyst? Iheard it works good....Map Analyst Homepage (http://www.map-lounge.de/)
Originally posted by FuzzDad
dod_anvil2 (final release) is basically ready but I'm just struggling with packrat (custom icons refuse to pack) so I'll probably just zip it up and include a res file.
I hope u did add sum more sounds in the map :)
08-19-2006, 03:35 PM
I would just suggest releasing a new rc and let it be out for a bunch of weeks and if everything is all right rerelease that rc as the final.
I see no reason to rush to a final. There's been plenty of successful customs that don't have the final stamp - 1.3 and source.
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