map doesnt change when timer reaches zero

08-11-2006, 02:31 AM
some servers running my map say it doesnt change level when the timer gets to zero.

what causes this?runs on my server just fine, automatically changes ok.

08-11-2006, 03:41 AM
There seems to another glitch that happens now and again which makes it harder to resolve.

Sometimes when the Allies have blown all the objectives the round doesn't end, the central objective icon turns red even though it has been blown, and the clock continues to count down.

As I said doesn't always happen but I have seen it happen 3 times now on our server.

08-15-2006, 04:14 AM
this is a known bug. if a player plants bomb number 2 on a objctive then goes to spec mode. the bomb blows but the objective doesnt die.
Happens on all bomb maps with more than 1 bomb target.

valve are working on a fix (so they say)

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