Question to the mappers.
08-05-2006, 01:26 PM
I know itīs easier, but always the same models are boring in custom maps for buildings. Would it be possible for anyone to make a map with self made buildings, he/she created of a photo?
Example. I give you a map overview and give pictures of buildings/bridges and u put it in. How long would it take, to do such a map?
08-05-2006, 02:16 PM
ok, um im not quite sure what you mean. Youre tired of the models yet what you want to be done has nothing to do with models or modeling.
All buildings in player-made maps are made by the mappers themselves, they are not models (except for skybox buildings and the like). I think you're referring to the style of the buildings, which pretty much relates of WW2 style architecture, which is inevitably, buildings set in the game that is Day of Defeat. :rolleyes:
ok comp
08-05-2006, 02:29 PM
Yeah, I think you might be a bit confused. Almost all buildings seen in custom maps ARE self-made. MODELS are entirely different... which consist of windows, doors, chimneys, gutters, essentially the complex details that really pull the image together.
You could give me a picture of a building and I could recreate it... but when it comes to some of the finer details like windows and doors... well it's simply easier to fall back on stock models then to go out of my way and create them for this one building. Making maps and making models are entirely different things, and I've never attempted the latter.
08-05-2006, 02:48 PM
OKOK, but I guess not all models are self made, because I already have seen modelpacks for download. And some signs (Paris XY km) and shop signs are always the same.
But beside that.
If I had a plan of a map and some pics to recreate them on the map. How long does it take from start to a playable map?
Originally posted by Malik06
If I had a plan of a map and some pics to recreate them on the map. How long does it take from start to a playable map?
Good thing would be to you to get started on said project and evaluate it yourself. Every map is different, so times may vary especially with factors such as experience, complexity, size, etc.
08-05-2006, 02:56 PM
cant really ask that question. mapping never goes as planned and it also depends on size, complexity of entities and flag settup, triggers and such. If you have this stuff i say just start mapping and see how long if takes to do certain parts. you can then mesure from there
08-05-2006, 04:46 PM
about 3 months...ish depending on the map size and detail :dog:
08-06-2006, 04:19 AM
Originally posted by Dash
Good thing would be to you to get started on said project and evaluate it yourself. Every map is different, so times may vary especially with factors such as experience, complexity, size, etc.
I would like to, but guess, I canīt. Have some experience with 3d modelling, but thatīs all.
08-06-2006, 08:33 AM
when i started i just opened hammer and played around a bit and figured out what i could do and if i had questions search for a tutorial or ask here. it surprisingly easy once you get the basics down
08-06-2006, 09:38 PM
Hammer's where I started too. If you have some 3D modeling experience, you'll have a lot more going in than I'm sure most of us did.
08-07-2006, 10:15 AM
Well. Isntīwhat I need the source sdk? What else?
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