env_lightglow intensity

08-04-2006, 08:40 PM
So the lightglow entity is primarily controlled by distances: minimum distance - where it has no intensity, maximum - where it is at highest intensity, and outer - where it starts to fade out again. Aight, so I have some dark rooms where I want I want lightglows around some shuttered windows, along with some actual light_spot entities, which look really cool. To make the lightglows less intense I made the minimum distance really close and the maximum distance really high, like 1600 or something... yaknow so when you look at it from in the room it has only reached like a quarter or half of the intensity.


It's super subtle, but in game you can notice it alot more and I'm super stoked on it... but when you get way further from it, closer to the maximum intensity it just keeps getting more intense, obviously. So when I'm looking at it from over the ravine through the window...


You can't tell from the screenshot, but it cuts in and out very poorly and it looks terrible.

So what would be perfect if there was something to not have as intense of a "max"... like making the whole thing more translucent. Or is there just a better alternative?

08-08-2006, 12:49 AM
Not that anyone responded, but I found the answer in case anyone was curiuos. Lightglow color is not absolute like I assumed. Meaning - a lightglow with it's color set to black is actually transparent. So I just brought down the luminosity in the color chooser and great success.

As I'm posting my findings, I'll also make the recommendation for mappers to experiment with Constant, Linear, and Quadratic values... which seem overlooked by custom mappers. These rooms are very dim and unplayable with just environment light... Take a standard light entity and lower the quadratic to about .5 and raise the constant to about 40,000 and it's an unnoticeable room ambience controller.... and it now looks alot better than in those weak screenshots.

08-08-2006, 05:33 AM
My lightglow's never work. I use env_sprite instead.

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