
08-01-2006, 04:00 PM
test map released on fps banana.

Dod_depot is a detonation style axis defence map
This is a proof of concept map and only in early development

32 man spawn
it contains:
8 apc's with 2 bomb points each to be planted (allies plant only)
2 destructable fuel containers that explode when shot
2 destructable walls (requires det pack)
3 rocketable walls
1 destructable sniper tower
spawn protection is enabled

the aim is for the allies to attack a apc refuling depot and destroy all hardware, in 2 cases the players "must" destory obsticles in order to reach 4 of the apcs

i added a quick skybox, its empty but ill add stuff in once I get feedback about the level
I also added a ladder into the rear apc area so players can get up into the top level of the hanger.
ladder falls down when the wall under it is blown up

early development movie:

destructable objective movies:

download link for map file

file was zipped with winrar. search for winrar if you dont already have it

08-01-2006, 05:47 PM
Hey Richard,

What's changed since depot28, been playing a lot on our servers and have to say I love it.

I know its an early release but the gameplay is very full on plus I love blowing things up ;)

08-02-2006, 01:50 AM
ummmm well the fuel tanks are more deadly now..there is a ladder in the hidden apc store area that lets the axis reach the top level of the hanger type thingy.

some objects placed in xis spawn.

tank placed at allied spawn with dead bodies on it.

some optimisation

props placed to be in the way of some bomb points

2 sand bags added

spawn protection areas updated

very basic sky box added.

could you let me know how easy each team finds this level?
can allies win ok without blowing up both axis spawn exits?
can axis still defend ok ish when their spawns are blown.

glad u guys are enjoying it :-)

08-02-2006, 02:03 AM
I looked at the movie and it looks great !
But why put it up on that site to download ?

We will not have it cause we cant download the file !
So you miss our 6 source servers :confused:

08-02-2006, 02:13 AM
welll maybe i can email it to u?its like 3mb file

whats ur email? pm me

08-02-2006, 02:18 AM
Here ya go, UK mirror with no dodgy popups - direct link here (

08-02-2006, 02:21 AM
whay nice one m8

Devils Rear
08-02-2006, 06:15 AM
running on:- !! >> - 66 Tick

ok to include it in the next map pack??

08-02-2006, 06:20 AM
glad to see it running on more servers...
im constantly updating it at the moment and plan on having it, carentan, carentanfield, bootcamp and dropzone all redone and released by say end of august if possible in a map pack for Take no prisoner clan.

when is your map pack coming out?as if its going to be early september it may be better to wait for thr finished product.

08-03-2006, 03:28 AM
Running on: !! >> OLD FARTS AND BOTS

A very intense map caboose. Thanks.
We had a full server with it last night and many enjoyed it. Some thought the Allied did not have a chance, some thought the Axis could never the end... 1-1. :D
We did find the map was more intense when no snipers were present, but that is our choice.
The Axis find it difficult trying to get out of the left side where you jump on the boxes as they are very vulnerable when they are up there, just a note.
It might be a thought to actually keep the wall rampart going right around so the Axis have a way around their depot at another level...just a thought.

The depot being destroyed by the Axis right spawn is a beautiful touch, well done. The Axis find it important to destroy it themselves to slow the Allied advance on that side and make it difficult to blow the two in the depot.

Thanks for a very intense map...much appreciated. :cool:

08-03-2006, 03:34 AM
it was ace fun playing on ur server last night. yes i was supprised that the axis sacrificed a easy exit in order to clutter up the bunker..but wow it worked, that game was very hard to win. i think allies did it with about 1 min to spare.

remember that the main axis entrance can also be blown..thats a important one as a rocket directly above the main entrance makes it fall down and that means the axis can only get out through the apc bunker.

i know what u mean about the boxes, i died on my way over a few times so i may just fix that....possibly i will put a way onto the bunker roof for axis only as another camping/mg position..

i noticed a few times the allies just didnt want to attack but when they rushed it caused panic as there were multiple bombs going off at it was a lol.
thanks for the info on how you felt about the map.

08-03-2006, 06:59 AM
Originally posted by [SAS]==Colster==
Here ya go, UK mirror with no dodgy popups - direct link here (

Thank you, I guess I said something wrong about FPSBanana, they deleted my post.

08-03-2006, 07:06 AM
have you tried the map yet?

08-03-2006, 08:01 AM
running on take no prisoners | map test server

08-17-2006, 01:36 AM

Download Here! (

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