First things first, I love this map and I'm glad you made it, very nice work.
Allies have 16 spawns
Axis have 14 spawns
I recommend giving each side at least 17 if not 18.
I also recommend spacing them a little more, especially on the axis side, that bottom area has lots of room, why cramp 7 into a room fit for 3-4 at the top of the stairs?
Also, might wanna change which way they face.
I edited up the spawnpoint entities for our server so we could test it.
The screenshots of where I moved them to...
Axis Spawn (From below the map looking up)
Allies Spawn (From below the map looking up)
I changed the spawnpoint entities with ented.
The sandbags can be an issue when trying to walk between them, can easly get snagged and slowed by a bit for a second or so.
I took a bunch of screenshots where I thought the light looked funny hitting something and also a texture issue and a brush/model issue.
The Screenshots...
Considering theres a pretty bright light in the room this bookcase looks pretty dark.
This is a recurring funny looking thing, the vines...
The other side
Another one in the middle axis side
Light from nowhere
Another thing I found that looked odd was some of the door lighting...
With a fire next to this one you'd expect light from the fire at least.
Light on the sandbags but the lamp isn't on...
The texture on these stairs looks bright and out of place.
Top stair texture messed...
In this last one the bush is coming though the walls
This arch is missing a texture by the axis second