OnBombPlanted, and other options not yet available...

Dustin Diamond
07-24-2006, 11:31 PM
I dont suppose that Valve, with a mind towards future content, was wise enough to add an OnBombPlanted action to the bombs, do you think? Is there any way for us to change the current action of OnBombExploded without having the SDK update? I know that the underlying code has to be built, but it could already be there, I just want to test it out. OnBombPlanted would be useful. Then again, so would a flag for changing the defuse time, etc.

So to sum it up, if this SDK update ever comes out, I hope the devs had the foresight to add some other basic options.

07-30-2006, 03:07 PM
there is an fgd out that will allow you to use those features. check the forum

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