P_ Model Shoot Animations

05-27-2003, 08:06 PM
I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed, but if you look at a P_ model in HLMV, and look at the sequences, it has a shoot anim, but this anim is blank... Does this mean we can have shoot animations for p_models? Someone try it.

05-27-2003, 08:14 PM
hey marksman, long time no see


could it be an error?

The Canadian
05-27-2003, 08:14 PM
OH MY GOD U KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS!!!! HOLY AGAFGGGGGGHHHHHHAAHADHASHDASHDAH!!!! NOW YOU CAN SEE OTHER PEOPLE OPEN TEHZ BOLTZORZ AND LIKEZORS PUT DEEZ NUTS IN THE BREECH MANG!!!! WHEN THEY RELOAD MANG!!! Tiss, is tehz cooole. Hopefully you can. And you will also be able to see other people ACTUALLY take the mag outta the gun and throw it to the ground and get a new one. ok... TO SEXY FOR ME mang. I would die if someone did that. Plz, let me die.

The Canadian
05-27-2003, 08:17 PM
OK OK I JUS FIGURED IT OUT!!! It's the DoD teams method of work. They always do stuff before hand... For instance, in Beta 3.1, sumone found a text file which had the following.

"British Classes put here in the future"

Or something like that. MY theory is that in the next release of DoD, or sometime after, we can expect some leet ass P_mdl animation pwnage.

05-27-2003, 08:22 PM
sounds cool

05-27-2003, 08:33 PM
uh...p models having animations was already done...kinda...

A bit before the old forums were reset, I saw a thread in here showging how p models with mags could reload. No bolt action though. It worked like this...

The player model would have the mag inside him unseen and it would appear in his hand when the gun was being reloaded, and the p model with the l which is held by the left hand only would not have the mag in, so it would appear to have the mag being pulled in or out.

Joe Anderson
05-27-2003, 09:45 PM
I vaguely remember that thread too.....the forums were closed down before anything fruitful could come of it all.....Wish we could get that working again. Was it JAJAHU who found that out? I'll look into it more.


05-27-2003, 10:21 PM
nope, not me.

05-27-2003, 10:25 PM
I'm guessing there's a p_model shoot anim so that they can attach muzzleflashes to that animation. Since the muzzleflashes are attached to the p_models this time instead of the imperfect attachments to player models we had before. I'm betting this could also mean that we could have a bolt being worked by the p_model, though. I'll look at it tomorrow and see what I can do if I can get on my computer.

Some problems with this idea, though. I'm not sure if assigning more bones to a p_model so that the bolt could be worked, would mess up the bones a p_model already has so that it's attached to the player. I'll try it out tomorrow, though.

05-28-2003, 12:15 AM
Yeah, the p_models where modified to remove mags before the old forums went, but it was only for left handed p_models, the ones where the player needs to grab the weapon in his left hand to reload. It was a complicated thing but it worked. I also discovered that the models had their own shoot animations also, and yes this was for the muzzleflashes, I find the DoD team's solution instead of our stop-gap player attachment solution in 3.1 very satisfying. It also paved the way for me to stream-line the distant sounds attachment worked up on the old forums too. These individual animations do hold a lot of potential... It crossed my mind that moving bolt animations shouldn't be too hard. Seeing as how all the bolt guns require the player to hold the gun in their left hand while bolting (facilitating the need for a p_modelL) we could theoratically sorta do what was done for the removable mags. Leave the left handed model without a bolt, instead attach the bolt inside the player, such as the mag idea was done. Call the bolt for the bolt shoot animation, so that when one shoots, he grabs the weapon to bolt, the model without a bolt on it. But the bolt is in his hand, and it is now being worked back and forth, if it follows the hand animation. And when it settles back down, it switches back to the standard p_model, with the bolt in. Good to go! The only problem I can see is compiling the bolt into the player model and hiding it unitl the animation required, but that shouldn't be too hard. Alignment with the weapon models might be though.... I don't know, not a modeler here, just tossing ideas out.

On a side note, The Podunkian whipped up a similar idea, trying to get the bolt on the p_model tommy gun to move back and forth, don't know if it ever did work with him though, he had me as a guinena pig though.

05-28-2003, 12:24 AM
Devin and I were talking about this for awhile, its one of those things that could work, but it would be incredibly difficult and very shoddy, like an air plane rigged out of some sheet metal and scotch tape.

The Cheat
05-28-2003, 01:02 PM
Canadian please don't use z's anymore. Ever. :) Part two, my friend Kris McConnell is The Canadian. We called him that before you registered for dod forums, but it's still cool. Hehe. But anyways!
Holy ass ! That will be sweet. But it won't be in 1.1. If we are lucky, they will put more brit weapons and brit maps in for 1.1. Maybe they will also un**** the MG42. Perhaps a Lee Enfield Carbine. And a .30 cal. Maybe even a thompson, or a greasegun, or an mp38, as the british were short on SMGs so they had to purchase from foreign sources. How cool would that be?

=DD=Wolf Kahler
05-28-2003, 01:24 PM
They don't have much room to squirm where new weapons are concerned. The limit's 32 and they currently use 27 unique weapon codes. Still, that's five more weapons that are possible across the board, unless they realy amalgamate the Tommy, MP40 and Sten, along with the three rocket launchers. That would add four more. Squish together the scoped rifles, and then the unscoped Enfield and K98's... Throw in room for three more. That way, we could have twelve more weapons in all, since those I listed already work pretty much the same in-game [within their respective groupings, mind you].

How do I count twenty-seven when it seems like there's more than 34 [....according to the DoD marketting campaign, anyway]? Look in your dod\events\weapons folder.

At least, I assume that's where the count's appropriate.

The Canadian
05-28-2003, 02:21 PM
The Cheat. Part one: How about no. Part II: Iv'e been here since beta 1 and have used the name ever since, so uhhh How about no.

05-28-2003, 02:37 PM
if you look at that vampire mod game the mag is taken out of the p_model and thrown on the ground and it stays there for a while too.

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Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.