{REL} dod_floodgates_b1 - a bomb map

07-09-2006, 07:08 PM
I've released dod_floodgates_b1. Its a bomb map with the axis defending 3 bombing locations. The bridge, the 222, and the Flak 88. Screen shots and the map can be found at the link below. Click on " more screen shots" below the pics to see them in full size. I hope you enjoy this one. A lot of work getting the entities to flow right.
dod_floodgates map and screen shots (http://files.filefront.com/dod_floodgates_b1zip/;5236929;;/fileinfo.html)

Fish Heads (o>

07-09-2006, 07:26 PM
Had a quick look, it seems a bit dark, is it possible for you to tweak the lighting a bit?

piu piu
07-09-2006, 08:48 PM
its a night map, so i dont have a problem with a little darkness.
looks nice, i like the dam.

07-09-2006, 08:56 PM
Dam is nice !

The mini-map does not work (pink checkerboard texture).


Devils Rear
07-10-2006, 07:34 AM
I agree the dam looks great.

Up and running on:- !! INX-Gaming.co.uk >> dodirectory.com - 66 Tick

Is it ok to include your map in the next dodirectory map pack??

Devils Rear
07-10-2006, 11:34 AM
Man you need to sort out the allies spawning - very neat idea parachuting to the ground.

But, it got to a point where they all got stuck together in mid air and people kept on jumping out into the mess.

We ended up having to change the map as it was unplayable.

Is there any way you can look into sorting this as the map in itself was really good :)

07-10-2006, 11:41 AM
Hey all

Thanks for the feedback. As far as the lighting goes....it is a moon lit sky. So I tried to match the lighting to it. I may increase the light level in the next release.Some people have complained about the mini map not working. I embedded the necessary 3 files in the BSP. Here is a screen shot of the mini map.

Also here is a pic from the BSP directory listing showing the three files needed. The vtf, vmt, and the txt.

I even deleted the orginal 3 files from my system. Then deleted the BSP from my system and then downloaded the file from the link.I then placed the downloaded BSP in my map folder. I ran the map....and the mini map works fine so i don't know what to tell you.

BTW Rear feel free to include the map in the mappak.

Fish Heads (o>

Jimmy Crack Corn
07-11-2006, 08:38 AM
Originally posted by Devils Rear
Man you need to sort out the allies spawning - very neat idea parachuting to the ground.

But, it got to a point where they all got stuck together in mid air and people kept on jumping out into the mess.

We ended up having to change the map as it was unplayable.

Is there any way you can look into sorting this as the map in itself was really good :)

Yep, we had the same problem. The allies all stick together and then the tk fest begins as they try to get un-stuck. Is there a way to fix this? Fun map when everyones moving about freely. Maybe remove the parachuting and just have them spawn normally for now until you can get the other issue sorted out.

Thanks, JCC

07-11-2006, 08:42 AM
I'm just letting you know, the mini-map does not work for me. Anyone else having this problem?


07-11-2006, 08:59 AM
Originally posted by ultranew_b
I'm just letting you know, the mini-map does not work for me. Anyone else having this problem?


Yep, pink&black checkers for me, too.

07-12-2006, 09:19 AM
I like the map and its concept, but I think it is just a little to big. Some of the areas could be shortened IMO.

07-17-2006, 07:04 AM
So, FishHead any update on solving the spawning probelms or any update at all on the map?

07-17-2006, 07:33 AM
I like the map, it has a good feeling of a snowy night forrest. And the dam look realy nice.

Here is some suggestions.

I think you should choose some bigger pipes. For me they seems to small for such a big dam.

It would be great if there was an objective inside the dam. I think there is some HL2 models of turbines. And when you blow it the water stop runing.

You should use same kind of icons. Those you have now is either red and white or red and black.

A realy nice map ... keep up the good work :-D

07-31-2006, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by ultranew_b
I'm just letting you know, the mini-map does not work for me. Anyone else having this problem?


Same here :(

Perhaps we could get the 3 overview files to place on servers since, for some unknown reason, they don't seem to work inside the bsp :confused:

08-02-2006, 02:28 AM
axis spawn gets bad fps for me when i leave it, around 20 fps where on most official maps i get 60 ish.

glad to see another person has made a paratrooper map. i was wondering how long my dropzone map would be on its own with that feature.

TNP clan have this map on their server and find it gr8 fun. But it 100% needs a working mini map as players were getting lost all over the place.

to get around the players sticking together can you do the teleport to 1 of say 20 random locations so likely the players wont get stuck?

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