[REL]dod_fortress_b2 (BETA)

07-09-2006, 05:44 PM
So that´s the first public beta of dod_fortress. It`s a remake of "dod_forestfortress_b2", which was my first custom map I played in dods.

The overview is included in the *.bsp.

Some screenshots:
fortress pic1 (http://www.wombatz.de/files/dods/fortress/fortress_01.jpg)
fortress pic2 (http://www.wombatz.de/files/dods/fortress/fortress_02.jpg)
fortress pic3 (http://www.wombatz.de/files/dods/fortress/fortress_03.jpg)

You can download the file here:
dod_fortress_b3.rar (874 kb / 2.9 MB) (http://www.wombatz.de/files/dods/fortress/dod_fortress_b3.rar)

I hope you´ll like the new layout and the changes.


07-09-2006, 09:32 PM
Fog color.

07-09-2006, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by nave
Fog color.


Its usually a good idea to put your fog color at around the same color as your sky texture. It makes it blend in real nice and it wont stand out so bad.

07-10-2006, 05:53 AM
Okay, I´ve updated the map.

Devils Rear
07-10-2006, 11:36 AM
b3 up and running on our server - might remove the snipers as it seems that everyone just camps each side - maybe even the rifle class - to make the map more interactive.

Either that or can we have some more cover?

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