[WIP] dod_carta2

07-07-2006, 12:10 PM
thank to haircut who released his 1.3 .rmf files, ive decided to port one of my all time favourite maps to source.

i know it wont work exactly how it used to, but ive gotten the gameplay portion of it down perfectly. you need to run to the other teams spawn (just outside it), where you pick up some TNT (they used to be documents... which is why i made the objective icons document), and return to your base and plant the tnt. tnt goes off, you win. you only need one charge, so you dont need to go back and ge 2 charges to win.

looking down the center street:

looking into axis spawn:

another view of the middle street:

looking out of allied spawn:

the map is basicaly an S. you can either go through the street, or through the buildings on either side of the street. itwas alot of fun in 1.3 and im really hoping i can bring it back and get it just as good as it was before.

and yes, i know it looks bad and i need to "source it up"... i spent all last night re-texturing it, working on the objectives, and working on another map. i just wanted to throw it out there that i was working on this. hopefully i will be able to get a test in sometime this week.

and those shots were taken from a fast compile on both vis and rad with a leak in the map on a 6600 GT video card... so FPS WILL NOT be an issue like any map i make...

thanks again haircut for the awsome 1.3 map.

07-07-2006, 02:26 PM
no offence but the original looks better
it seems you only really changed the textures, which dont match all that great. you need to put more work into the brushwork. its not just a matter of porting it over and using source materials and props.

07-07-2006, 02:49 PM
i know.. thats what said... i mentioned above so far all ive done was change the textures / models, and that alot more was going to be done on it.

Toby Wong
07-07-2006, 06:34 PM
Why bother re-texturing? Surely you are going to remodel all the buildings?

07-07-2006, 06:52 PM
well go for it. but if you plan on spicing this up, i doubt you will have a playtest this week. unless you really pump out the hours

07-07-2006, 10:21 PM
Since I'm fairly certain it's impossible not to notice the problem with this map and that you seem to grab he fact that it needs to be "sourced up", to put it excrutiatingly lightly, I won't spell it out. Just please put work into this map.

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