make a prop shoot up in the air

06-30-2006, 08:35 AM
can you make a prop shoot up in the air through a output..say flag capped......prop_static model box. shoot up in the air on a func train.....then as it hits the 2nd path area of the track, the track outputs to die, and the prop becomes a prop_phys_multiplayer?

so the box cant be moved till the allies cap the flag, then it shoots up in the air and becomes physiced (i know not a real word) so that it can then fall and bounce around etc

06-30-2006, 08:49 AM
I dont think there is a way to change a prop_static into a prop_physics_multiplayer, the only 2 ways I can think of doing this is to have the entity terminated at the 2nd path then a new one spawned thats the prop_physics_multiplayer.

Of course it would be hard to align the switch over perfectly but then if you want an easy way just use a gib_shooter, wont do the effect your looking for but will at least be something.

06-30-2006, 09:00 AM
i guess i could do it all with just a fun_train and try make it bounce and look realistic....

how do u spawn a physics multiplayer item with skin as a output?

i wanted a flag cap to cause a fuel dump to blow up and send a fuel drum shooting up in the air and come crashing down

Dustin Diamond
06-30-2006, 10:26 AM
two ways to do this as i see it.

First, make the barrel a physics prop, but set it so motion is disabled before the explosion. Then, when you want it to fly up, enable motion and trigger a physics explosion to send it rocketing away. Might be a little annoying to get this just right, but that's life.

Second, use a gib_shooter. make the barrel a dynamic prop and when the explosion occurs, just kill the barrel and let the gib_shooter fire off a barrel prop. Set the simulation type to physics, not point or whatever it's set to. Odds are, during a big explosion, no one will notice that it's not the exact same barrel shooting into the air. If you test it and you can tell though, better use the first method.

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