Staring a map - Outskirts

06-24-2006, 08:27 AM
Hi guys, long time reader first time poster :)

Basically I知 one of those people that always moans about how much I want a map to do this and not do that etc. So I thought I would stop being a lazy sod and see how hard it can be (and thus maybe gain some insight and not moan so much :))

I've got general experience with modelling and have tried some mapping in the past but nothing really flourished in either area.

Ok, the map!

I知 not going for anything totally historically accurate but the theme of the map is the "Outskirts" of Carentan. So, to me anyway, this means fields and farmhouses. Hopefully it will give the map a blend of both urban type warfare as well an open-ish feel to the map.

The buildings of the map will generally be old stables and stuff leaving plenty of room for big gaping holes in walls and stuff as well as maybe some hay lofts overlooking the middle objective - although this might cause some FPS problems....

To try and keep the level linear and create chokepoints I thought a stream / river was a good idea along with the use of bridges.

I don't know how the 3 routes approach will work thought.... most of the official maps have 3 routes of sorts and I was thinking that a flag at each spawn might also be a good idea.

Anyway, hopefully that will give you the jist of what I知 trying to achieve.

Crits and comments are welcomed of course and hopefully I値l be back with some questions like "H0wz d0es I s3ts up the h4mm3r?!?" :D

06-24-2006, 08:30 AM
Ok, spot the n00b that forgets to attach the pics :rolleyes:

P.S. Forgot to mention that im thinking of ways to stop visability like having the feild slope up and stuff but hopefully I'll think of something :)

EDIT:: Also, I the building layout isn't finalised or anything I just put them to show were i wanted building and the general sort of paths. Anything majorly obvious let me know but I think i'll just do it as it goes when it comes to mapping it.

06-24-2006, 09:55 AM
now get to work :p

piu piu
06-24-2006, 10:01 AM

anyway... everything you said just sounds good.

Major Ingram
06-24-2006, 10:31 AM
looks good so far :)

06-24-2006, 02:08 PM
The proportions look a bit odd - too wide or something.

06-24-2006, 02:24 PM
It will also feel too symmetrical to play. You can have a symmetrical layout if it doesn't feel that way when you play (i.e. Kalt) but this is a straight line from one spot to the other (or so it seems right now). Spice it up a little, and think of optimization, you need to be able to stop the line of sight of the player at one point

06-24-2006, 03:42 PM
Bridges with a river is an overused map design IMO, though for a first map it's OK. If you're really trying to make something original though, I'd avoid making bridge or symmetrical maps.

06-25-2006, 05:04 AM
Cheers guys.

I was having some thoughts about it this morning pretty much along the lines of what you guys are all saying.

I was thinking that if I was going to add spawn flags then there would need to be stuff around the spawn (thus lengthening the map). Also that I might take out one of the side flags and make some sort of join between the two areas that are left.

The bridges themselves I hadn稚 decided whether I wanted them like kalt or more of a flat wide bridge like sora uses. Was going to play around with it.

Anyway, just letting you know my thought process and hopefully I値l start doing something today :)

06-25-2006, 07:28 AM
Originally posted by Dash
Bridges with a river is an overused map design IMO, though for a first map it's OK.

That depends on how it's done. I would agree with you if the statement was "a river with a bridge as the middle flag is an overused map design".

I hope to have something to show of my own new map soon, that hopefully won't play like these overused designs.

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