[XSI] Multiple Objects to one UV map?

06-09-2006, 11:07 AM
I also posted this over at the XSI base forums: http://www.xsibase.com/forum/index.php?board=24;action=display;threadid=25480

I am using modtool v4.2.

It is my understanding that for models in source you want to use only one texture per model.

Well, right now I have a model setup as multiple objects stacked together. I am trying to make a UV map for this and have all the seperate objects get mapped to the same texture. I just can't find the right options to get this done. I have tried merging the objects into one object/model and that works fine, but that gets rid of all the layers I have setup and also makes it hard to select the polygons to currently map. Also it seems like it will be a pain to go back and change the model.

So can I map multiple objects onto one UV map or texture?

Or should I be trying to do this a different way?

Mind you this is my first model and am learning as I go. I have followed many tutorials, but they all only work with modeling one object, either a cube or a cylinder.

07-04-2006, 02:36 PM
Yes it is possible but its also way too hard for me to explain especially since I dont really know how much you know about XSI. Basically what you want to do is make sure all your objects are selected and then assign them a material and texture.

Chances are your getting confused thinking only 1 object is being assigned to the texture because for whatever reason XSI's texture tool thing-a-ma-jig will only show the polygons of 1 object at a time in the editor.

Hope this helps.

07-10-2006, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by MeleeMe!
because for whatever reason XSI's texture tool thing-a-ma-jig will only show the polygons of 1 object at a time in the editor.

That is the problem right there. How am I suppose to know what is getting mapped where without constantly selecting different polygons and moving things in the texture editer.

It seems like a big waste of time doing it that way. And I thought I was doing something wrong and there should be an easier way, but apparently not.

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