[MREQ] Garand with Bayonet
I think this was already done before, but the possible link wasn't working. I haven't found anything else like this either.
So yah.. could be the default garand with a bayonet. Although JAJA's Garand (http://www.dayofdefeat.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=6502) would rock with a bayonet ^_^
Just getting tired of the buttsmack. I can procur a new sound and sprite if needs be as well.
I have started one, but I'm on the crappiest dial-up connection would never be able to up-load it or send it. I'm having some problems with the assignments, however, and I don't exactly have a proper bayonet model, just the m3, which was hardly mountable on an M1 Garand. I'd be on the lookout for others doing this, though.
we could put fiblah's bayonet on it, but its in need of a reskin which id be willing to do.
Sounds good, any other takers?
Russ. Conscript
05-27-2003, 05:22 PM
i have already re-skinned fiblahs bayonette!!!!
Picture (http://www.dodstudios.net/uploads/uploads/dod_zalec0001.jpg)
it still needs some wear and tear on it. but i never released cuz nobody showed any interest :o
guess now it will have a good use eh?
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