Creating DoD:S crosshairs

06-08-2006, 12:32 PM
Hi everyone!

I am trying to make some crosshairs for dod:s. I already made some, which work realy fine. But now I have a little problem. I am trying to create a multi-colored crosshair. I am using the standard crosshair number 4 as an template. I am extracting it to a tga file with VTF-Edit. Then I remove the middle of the green channel and the outer parts of the red channel with Photoshop.Then I save it. This is how the channels look like:

Green channel:

Red channel:

Blue channel:

Red&Green channel selected:

The next step is to import it in VTF-Edit again. Now that I am importing the edited crosshair 4, the middle becomes blurred somehow. It looks like this:

Red channel:

Blue channel:

Red&Green channel selected:

Green channel stays as it is, because there's nothing in the middle.

I want it to stay as in the tga file. I don't want the blur.

If I just extract the normal crosshair 4 to TGA and import it again (without editing it), nothing happens.

Anybody knows how to prevent this blur?

06-08-2006, 01:05 PM
Ok, don't worry, found it out :)

06-08-2006, 01:31 PM

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