[WIP] obj_aufsatz

06-05-2006, 06:16 PM
ok, so with the upcomming release of objective maps, i thought i would make an attempt at re-creating my old dod_tower map. (it never got finished, so the current dod_tower didnt actually steal the name). obj_ (objective) aufsatz (german for tower i think... i used an online translator, anyone care to verify for me?) is basically a giant hill that the allies spawn at the base of, and a tower in the center (hence the name) the allies have to get into the tower through 1 of 2 entrances, the front door which must be blown open, or the top floor window that has a rope ladder going to it and some kind of baracade that will need to be blow up (havnt decided what yet). Both these things will need rockets to blow them up. it SHOULD only take 2, but sometimes it takes 4. After they get in, they need to make their way down the one of the lower levels, and get down a long corridor. at the ent of this corridor is a factory which will need to be blown up using the satchels that come with the objective maps.


it isnt much right now, but i just started working on it, and i've to wait for the objective stuff to come out anyhow.

06-05-2006, 07:39 PM
Nice deciduous card.

06-05-2006, 09:22 PM
huh? if your talking about those trees in the backgorund there just a placeholder ATM, im thinking of putting actual tree models in there as cover for the allies

06-06-2006, 03:43 AM
Originally posted by PanFrie
ok, so with the upcomming release of objective maps, i thought i would make an attempt at re-creating my old dod_tower map. (it never got finished, so the current dod_tower didnt actually steal the name). obj_ (objective) aufsatz (german for tower i think... i used an online translator, anyone care to verify for me?)

My first advice is to never use that online translator again. As a native speaker I would actually translate Aufsatz with essay. If you want a reference to the tower just name it Turm.


Btw I would recommend this tanslator (http://www.dict.cc/)

06-06-2006, 06:29 AM
lmao, thank you, thats why i asked :-P that wouldnt be a very good name for a map then would it :-P

06-09-2006, 04:52 AM
yea ... dod_essay ... hummm.

Using that translater I like armoured tower - Panzerturm


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