modded servers?

06-01-2006, 08:55 PM
is there any servers that have the skins?...because at the cyber cafe i play at i am tired of seeing the same old grey and tan unifroms.....the list of the servers and the ip's would be great thanks.:D

User ID 27098
06-01-2006, 11:53 PM
Well in terms of realism mods, some good servers would be:

|l|l Black Flag | Rox Mod!| Fast DL| 18+

Tell 'em "You can't eat shoes..." sent ya' ;)
They'll take care of you.

Any of the One World Syndicate servers are also very awesome, they feature custom skins for server admins.

[=1=] TEXAS Gore-Realism (my preference out of their four servers)

In terms of server player skins... usually servers don't do that. I've never heard of a server enabling custom skins for all players

If you wanna dL and install some skins for your own personal use so they'll show up only on your computer, then I'd suggest going here-

Go the Day of Defeat: Source section and start shopping.

Here is a manual to installing custom skins onto your computer, curtosey of Ska Wars-

(note that you may not find the specified folder you are meant to play the skin into, no worries, just create the folder... any folder that the manual says to place said skin in, that isn't there, must be created)

06-03-2006, 10:44 AM
[=1=] TEXAS Gore-Realism (my preference out of their four servers)

I love that server :)

User ID 27098
06-03-2006, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by Editor321
[=1=] TEXAS Gore-Realism (my preference out of their four servers)

I love that server :)

For shizzle my nizzle.

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