[WIP] dod_hectic_b4

05-28-2006, 10:53 PM
did a small (6 v 6) and a full (12 v 12) playtest, not a single complaint of frame rates. the only real changes aside from performace, is the church and the cave tunnel. the church was completely redone, and i got the cave to actually look decent.

shots of the cave. im trying to get dynamix lighting working in this cause it looks REALLY cool with the flashlight, and i want to get that effect, but cant get it working properly for some reason.


and shots of the church

the front

the interior (that door blows up)

the center flag area. the blown up tower is for snipers

and a view of the other side where the cemetary is.

since ive re-worked the entire mountain and made it taller, i just need to finish the skybox and get the lighting in the cave and its all set. avg. FPS now is anywhere from 40 - 100 on my computer.

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