[REL] Dod_Stug_b1
I finally got my map and stug tank model ready to release as beta 1.
Screenshots and download link here:
or grab it here
It includes the Stug III tank model, a damaged Stug III, and wheel/barrel models as well.
The Stug tank models are free to use for any non-commercial mods and dod:s maps, but please give me a mention in the credits.
Hope you like it!
Send me your constructive criticism.
05-28-2006, 05:47 PM
Looks awesome!
Tom Covenant
05-28-2006, 05:50 PM
Damn that looks really good Lard! Awesome job!
05-28-2006, 05:51 PM
It's 7:30pm Eastern Time right now. I will run this map on our Pub server in 30minutes in case anyone wants to check it out. -|UPA|- Gaming Network @ 8pm Eastern
After that, I'll get some feedback for you, Lard.
05-28-2006, 06:12 PM
I took a quick run though and the map looks like it will be fun. Looks good!
FYI for later builds, I'm missing a texture.
Ahh Bugger!
Looks like a couple of custom vmt's are missing from the bsp :(
I'll fix it when I get home from work and re-up. Sorry bout that!
Originally posted by Bocasean
It's 7:30pm Eastern Time right now.
After that, I'll get some feedback for you, Lard.
Awesome thanks Bocasean, I really appreciate it!
05-28-2006, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by Lyter
I took a quick run though and the map looks like it will be fun. Looks good!
FYI for later builds, I'm missing a texture.
saw those missing textures and a couple other things
gap in wall
not sure whats going on here
brush overlap here
Thanks Twitch!
I love you guys, it's like having my Very on QA department ;)
05-28-2006, 08:03 PM
Yes, some missing textures. Also, the map feels like it should have more pathways, and should be bigger, but as it is it feels sorta like a "flash" version of "sturm" or "merderet."
heh that's a compliment! I love the intensity of a playing flash on a crowded server and wanted a map of about the same size and style :)
05-28-2006, 09:05 PM
Great Map Lard.
Looks very good and was fun to play (played with 5 other ppl)
05-28-2006, 10:08 PM
Well, I didn't mean it as a compliment. I played it on our full 32 person server, and people wanted more pathways and more directions to go. Even ladders leading up from the empty riverbed directly onto the bridge would be nice.
05-28-2006, 10:28 PM
I tried to climb up one of the drain pipes.
Devils Rear
05-29-2006, 03:06 AM
on our server now :)
can you let me know when you sort out the missing textures ;)
Ok to include this map in the next map pack??
Very nice indeed, did u get the fixed version up already? /me wants pimp zee map :D
Sorry for the missing files. Required material files are at
I'll fix those and other things and release a b2 soon.
05-29-2006, 08:09 AM
looks awesome m8y well done... Btw how did u crate the overview like the official overviews?
Ol' Noodle Head
05-29-2006, 08:34 AM
Cute lil' stuggie. Can't wait to give it a whirl!
05-29-2006, 08:57 AM
Great Map..
Created Self Installer with the included missing files.. Just click and install ; )
Download Here! (http://www.oneworldsyndicate.com/owsdownloads/index.php?act=view&id=145)
Map can be played here. [=1=]TEXAS DoDCustomContent.com Gore-Realism
05-29-2006, 11:53 AM
People were commenting that the right sides for each team felt like they should be accessible at cut-throughs....that corridors led nowhere and seemed to constrict some of the flow.
I really think that's the only thing lacking on this map. The FPS was great, the size was perfect, and the immersion was realistic.
05-29-2006, 12:12 PM
Solid solid map...very nice. Things to work on:
1) Clip the roofs...I was able to get up on the church roof and then the steeple. Based on that I suspect other roofs are accessible as well. It's a mappers choice to allow access to roofs and all...but IMO it's a poor choice.
2) You have multiple donner walls with gaps in them to their respective columns...just move them a bit so you can't see through.
3) The ground at the allied spawn is a bit angular...you can smooth that out
4) Add a ladder set to each end of the bridge.
fps was solid, you have a good layout with enough routes to move but not enough to cause constant encirclement, there's just enough detail to immerse you without hurting fps, all I need to do now is playtest. Solid effort.
05-29-2006, 12:34 PM
Very well recieved.. I like the idea of ladders on each end of bridge.
Very smooth, and good action.
05-29-2006, 12:34 PM
Great map. Kudos on the new models.
Walking through I was getting 90+ fps
With 20 players, 60-80+ average but smooth.
Beautiful map with opportunities for rifles and autos. Minimap and spawn barrier :)
Two glitches, although with my recent spate of graphic artifacts the stairs (http://www.sunlitgames.net/images/stug_stair.jpg) could be on my end.
By the stug/church flag, something seemed to be stopping walking through this section (http://www.sunlitgames.net/images/stug_stick.jpg)
Mirror - Self Installer (http://www.sunlitgames.net/dods_mapgallery.php#S)
Playing on both SunLit servers
05-29-2006, 12:39 PM
Got the same stickness on the church.
05-29-2006, 01:01 PM
Actually, I tried to climb up the drainspout on one side of the bridge, as it was begging me to at least give an attempt.
The ladders might be a good idea to implement on the next beta and see how they affect gameplay.
05-29-2006, 06:08 PM
i know ive done this before, but i cant get to the stug model. mind help'n me find them and getting them into the right folder(s)
05-29-2006, 08:19 PM
Just dl mour self installer. All files go to right directory.
05-29-2006, 10:04 PM
Nice map lard added them both on 907th and DODF. I was wondering if you could PM a link to a file I could have the stug tank model in it to package it on DOD Federation model section for dods maps. I always include the author name, descitption/credit on the download page and would of course have the cedit txt file in the package.
This is the page we host them.
Would be appreciated and easier for mapper to find them with due credits.
Woah lots of questions and comments to reply to, here goes!
Most of this is also going to be posted on http://www.biggss.org/dod_stug/ as well :)
Mr-Softy: the rar file with the psd of my overview is at http://www.biggss.org/dod_stug/dod_stug_overview_release.rar
That should explain a few things. Any Q's just drop me a message.
Dunn0: Big thanks for the installer! I've change my site's download link to yours :)
Bocasean: Yup after playing a little on a 16v16 server I completely agree, I'm fixing up the right of each side of the river to make it flow a little better and reduce the campyness, and to make it a little less cramped. I might also make it a little easier to get out of the spawns on the right as well.
FuzzDad: 1) Certainly will clip all the rooftops, I hate roof campers! I'd clipped most of them, but have missed a few, I'll give em the once over.
2) Thanks, will investigate.
3) yup
4) Yup already built it in the b2 version I'm working on
RosietheRiveter: Yup z-fighting stairs already fixed for b2 :) And getting stuck in the church is buggin me! I've put a big noclip over the rubble but it must be making it worse, I've have to have another go at that.
CoolHand and pluckster: You can grab the models by themselves here: http://www.biggss.org/dod_stug/Stug_Model_Release.rar
Glad to have them hosted there Coolhand, I might even use some of the other models there :)
Thanks for all the great feedback! I hope to have a b2 out later this week maybe, but b1 took me 5 months, so don't hold your breath ;)
05-30-2006, 04:15 PM
Thank you for the link, glad to add this in the collection of model.
Once I release my map (dod_longbow), many model will be also release. This will include three train track snow model, 5 models that make a rail gun. It has many part so that in ojective map, if you blow it part can end up else where. The last one will be a serie of trenches that have about 7 models to make those including a big one with a door opening that used to connect to tunnels.
All these model were made by KominAaa. We said at the begining that they would be made public. I will just check one more time with him to make sure. At this moment the railgun model as no collision so in my map I used player clip to make them. Now I will try to ask Komi to make them before the release.
Also if you want a website with fast download, we offer webspace on dod-federation.com. All you need to do is register on the forum and send a PM to CoolHandLuke to request the web space. I would then PM you back all ftp info. This way you can showcase all of your work, images and files. You would have a sub-domain name: lard.dod-federation.com
THe hAXis
06-03-2006, 11:27 PM
I love this map very good layout very good looking:) I have played 12 vs 12 so far on it, and haven't had any fps problems. This will be a very popular map.
06-08-2006, 07:27 AM
it is a cool map. I do get some frame drops on the allies side on the left by the tank collision and the church. btw the inside of that church/chapel is really neat looking.
ok comp
06-08-2006, 11:03 AM
Is there anything special you did for the map overview? Like, how it's in the style of the official maps.
THe hAXis
06-08-2006, 07:29 PM
This really is a textbook source map. It has good bottleneck around the center flag. It has enough routes, but not too many going towards the center. Enough open buildings to camp, and hide. Very well protected spawns. Very good looking overall to the eye, and from what I have experienced good frame rates all over except a small drop going into the church.
06-14-2006, 02:50 AM
Well, this was a nice map, nice chokepint and it looks good. I thought it maybe was a bit cramped with 90% of the action going on in the same building it feelt like...=)
Originally posted by ok comp
Is there anything special you did for the map overview? Like, how it's in the style of the official maps.
someone else asked this earlier :)
you can grab the PSD for the map at
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