Converting VTFs to TGAs
How do I convert VTFs back into TGAs?
05-27-2006, 10:44 AM
There are many ways my friend.
You can use the Xtex files found
Now to convert the textures to the required format, extract the VTEX archive somewhere on your hard drive. Place the required textures in vtex\hl2\materialsrc\sprays and convert them to TGA. Now, since the texture converting program (vtex.exe) requires the textures to be a power of two, you need to size them appropriately. Open the textures in your image editing program of choice, and change the dimensions (do [i]not[/b] constrain the proportions). Always go up in dimensions, don’t go down.
This is from BulletHeads compiling tutorial found here:
If you have Photoshop there is also a plugin that does it for you That i can upload if thats the route you want to go
05-27-2006, 03:16 PM
Nem's VTFEdit works. Just choose Export from the File menu.
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