problems converting a tga file

05-24-2006, 11:02 AM
inputfile: cafenorm
output directory: c:/programfiles etc etc/day of defeat source/dod/materials
config file cafenorm.txt
config file cafenorm.txt not present, making an empty one
image dimensions must be power of 2!
error initializing texture cafenorm.tga
hit jey to continue

the tga file i have is 512px wide
i dont have image editing software myself so had to get a friend to do it...
can any1 tell me what went wrong by that error?

05-24-2006, 11:36 AM
It needs to be a multiple of 2 on both width and height. 512 px wide won't cut it if your height isn't 2/.../128/256/512/1024 etc

05-24-2006, 12:34 PM
i made the image to be:
512 by 58 px
and it made the same error.

05-24-2006, 01:03 PM
Well, I'm surprised it surprised you.... 58 isn't a multiple of 2. A multiple of 2 is a number that, if divided enough times by 2, always ends up back to 1.

4/2=2 -> 2/2=1
etc etc

So the closest number to 58 for your texture, that's still a multiple of 2 is 64.

05-24-2006, 01:15 PM
think in multiples of RAM sticks and old video game systems.

05-24-2006, 05:10 PM
All you need in multiples of 2:

These are all safe, working sizes.

Basically, instead of making 512x58, just make it 512x64

05-24-2006, 05:47 PM
thanks for pointing out my silly mistake.
the image is now a vtf file.

it is in sourcesdk_content/dod/materialsrc/cafedenorm.vtf

its also in

day of defeat source/dod/materials/cafedenorm.vtf

do i only need the file in 1 location?
i read the instructions how to then make the .vmt file but well i got no where.

what do i put in this file, where do i put it. then where does it show up in hammer so i can apply it as a texture?

05-25-2006, 10:14 AM
ok still stuck, but i put all the files i have in:

steam/steamapps/my name/day of defeat source/dod/materials/carentan/cafedenorm.vtf

day of defeat source/dod/materials/carentan/cafedenorm.vmt

day of defeat source/dod/materials/carentan/cafedenorm.txt

in the vmt file i put the following but i dont know if its right:

"$baseTexture" "carentan/cafedenorm"
"$translucent" "1"
"$decal" "1"

is that all i need to do because when i go into hammer and type cafe in the texture list i find nothing.
i also looked through the entire list and found nothing.

what am i doing wrong?

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