
05-14-2006, 07:20 AM
a small map with 3 area caps (3/7/3 sec.) ...each 1 man cap.

Download (http://www.eurosquad.net/vwar/downloads.php?gameid=1&orderby=Date%20DESC)
Garion_Oldwolf's Mirror (http://www.garionoldwolf.us/dod_deckung.exe)


/edit: forgot the dog :>


05-15-2006, 12:50 AM
I don't get the green tint to everthing. Is that your shadow colour?

05-15-2006, 09:32 AM
I just tried it out and I got a question, why is it when ya go past the 3rd flag as axis and go I guess it would be into the opponent spawn when it transports ya back to your spawn why does it give ya the shovel only?

05-15-2006, 09:57 AM
Originally posted by haircut
I don't get the green tint to everthing. Is that your shadow colour?

brightness: 255 255 70 200
diffuse brightness : 66 255 255 200

it maybe looks such green because i use a lot of green/nature models and got a green ground texture.

I just tried it out and I got a question, why is it when ya go past the 3rd flag as axis and go I guess it would be into the opponent spawn when it transports ya back to your spawn why does it give ya the shovel only?

its the spawn protection of the map.
i think this method is better than just a trigger_hurt

05-15-2006, 10:04 AM
I installed it in my dod folder, and now I wanna put it in a seperate folder but the exe file keeps asking if I want to modify repair or uninstall, and it won't let me just download another copy because I tried and it downloaded but it did the same thing as the original. I was gonna try adding the map to my server but cuz I don't know which files I actually need I was gonna install a 2nd copy to my desktop. Any help?

05-15-2006, 12:22 PM
try this zip file.


05-15-2006, 12:35 PM
thanks, will be putting it on my server to see how people like it.

edit: Here's another link to dl it from(it has a better working .exe file instead of being able to only install using the exe file once this one you can install as many times as ya want):

Click Here (http://www.garionoldwolf.us/dod_deckung.exe)

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