
05-09-2006, 08:33 AM
I have been asked by the 506thpir clan to make them a training map where they can have new joiners practice with each weapon, and trial them with objectives such as search and destroy.

The map has:

obsticle course
barbed wire area that you must crawl under as the wire hurts, and a MG point next to it can fire over the prone players heads.
rifle grenade range
rocket range
SMG range
rifle range with moving target
mg/rocket range
maze with breakable targets
paratrooper drop area.
sin bin for badly performing players

This is not a combat map or a level that would be put on public servers (as it would confuse players), but simply a training aid to see the skills of your new players.

im still refining and working out some bugs but if any one is interested trying this out for their clan, let me know:

the video has low fps due to fraps being sucky. i need to reinstall it.

i have fixed random items in the sky and added a few bits more to the map

Donot | GER
05-09-2006, 09:02 AM
looks good....
PS: link doesnt work
heres the correct mirror

05-09-2006, 09:23 AM
thanks for pointing that out. messed that up a bit there

05-09-2006, 04:11 PM
map completed.
this is a clan and noobie training aid only, not a public map

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