Dod_rive playtest tonight on CoJ

05-06-2006, 06:07 AM
Anyone wishing to participate in a gameplay test of my new map can join CoJ tonight at midnight EST (or 9 PM PST). Server IP is

NB: Only registered CoJ or dod-federation users will receive the map by PM. No public link download. register on our forums ( or

NB2: All testers agree to our terms: There is to be NO sharing of any map without the mappers permission. This beta 1 version is ugly, not polished, architecturally challenged and not optimized. It's NOT a public release.

Here is what I wrote to the testers:

Here is a quick overview I made while making the in game mini map.

As you can see the premise is a small village, in which the river should be the main battlefield, to control one or all of 4 flags placed in a cubic form.

I am tired of seeing "the same old bridge with a multi persons flag sitting on top", so I wanted to try moving the gameplay horizontally along the riverbanks as opposed to the very straight "across the river" type of gameplay we've played forever.

So why a bridge? Well besides the realism aspect, it also is the quickest route to the first flags on either side. Which can provide some teamplay elements ("rush their first while we take the middle") But of course, you can easily be flanked on all sides....

Imho, we'll quickly find that this map is very much like Argentan in terms of weapons balance. All classes can definitely make an impact (imho) including the snipers and MG, and it should definitely be a rifles <3<3<3<3<3 paradise....but smgs can run through the buildings and flank them too...

The map is currently being uploaded on a ftp. Please sign up for the test if you wish to receive the map by PM, there will NOT be a public link to download the map.

Please keep in mind that this test is for gameplay purposes ONLY. Don't waste your time telling me how this or that doesn't look good or is screwed up. I know and I don't care at this point.

If this gameplay is well received by testers, I'll throw all my efforts into detailing the map and optimizing it.

Remember the server only has 22 slots. The sooner you register, the more chances you have.

05-06-2006, 08:26 AM
nice1 m8
like the look of that
i dont envy your optimisation of that puppy.
looks like you might have the same probs im having with manic, let me know how you get on...

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