respawn items and change textures

05-05-2006, 02:02 AM
is there any way to respawn a func_breakable item via an output like a buton press?
func_breakable: name target1

can i then have a button that says on press, target1 respawn?
i looked through the various outputs and couldnt see anything that was obvious.

next question. can you have an output to change a texture on a item?

liks target 1, on break, icon 1 (a icon outside the room to show the target was blown up) set texture to "what ever"

i also had a odd issue with a sky box.
now its works fine until i place a house in the sky box (just a standard block).
now when i nthe level i can actually see the sky box, hovering in the air outside the map

05-05-2006, 02:40 PM
yea, i've been looking for how to do this as well. that and removing all the decals from a wall (to remove all the bullet holes)

05-05-2006, 08:10 PM
The only material change entity that comes to mind is material_modify_control (
I haven't tried it but change the "$basetexture" to something else.. I think this entity changes values in the VMT so by changing the basetexture line to something else it should re-render the material with a different texture...

Not sure how to respawn Breakables (

And with skyboxes, the skybx texture renders stuff behind it or something, just stick the skybox next to the level so they can't see each other, if you know what I mean...

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