Mapping and Model Viewer

05-02-2006, 05:51 AM

I've been skinning for awhile now, but I'm quite new to the DoD:S skinning scene.

I've made a hi-res texture for german player models, but I have no idea how to make a Normal Map to go with my skin.

Also, is there anyway to load a model onto halflife 2 model viewier from your desktop? it seems like my my hlmv is contained to a root directory.


05-02-2006, 01:31 PM
for the skin just put it in steam/steamapps/username/daoyofdefeatsource/dod/materials/models/player/german

and then when you go to model veiwer you can veiw it. Or are you talking about dod 1.3 or whatever?

Trp. Jed
05-03-2006, 06:12 AM
Originally posted by benjamin831
I've made a hi-res texture for german player models, but I have no idea how to make a Normal Map to go with my skin.

Theres several ways, but in your case probably the simplest is to make a greyscale bump/height map in Photoshop and convert it to a normal map with the nVidia plug-ins. The following article at the Source Wiki will explain:

Also, is there anyway to load a model onto halflife 2 model viewier from your desktop? it seems like my my hlmv is contained to a root directory.

Not with the defauly HMLV supplied with the SDK. The folder it opens is a combination of the contents of the GCF and local files for the game you selected from the SDK menu.

You'll need to copy your files into the right folder locations on your local steam install for HLMV to load them, as the previous post mentions.

I do have a version of HLMV that works with local files, but until Valve release an SDK update, I can't release it.

Dr. Crawford
05-04-2006, 12:38 PM
I hope they add the ability to do that, it is such a pain the way it is now.

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