questions about water
04-29-2006, 10:42 AM
im having troubel adding water, i tried taking the water from anzio, and read the valve tutorial but this is what i get:
when im above the water, i can just see through it, when i jump in, it acts like water, and when i look up i can see the surface of the water.
when i go to the surface, its like im hovering in the air as i cant see the water
any suggestions?
ok comp
04-29-2006, 11:58 AM
I had this problem myself when I first played with water. Generally I've found this is because there's a leak somewhere in the map... bring up your compile log and search around to see if something leaked, usually it'll have the closest entity with coordinates to help you locate it. There's also the pointfile to help with this too.
Other things to note, I'm pretty sure water can't be used as world geometry to seal off your map, and as far as I know the water brush shouldn't leak out into the space beyond the borders of your map. It needs to be entirely sealed within your map. Also, do you have a water_lod_control entity? I'm not sure if this matters though because I've been told one is created during the compile process if you don't have one.
Hope this helps... if none of this is the case I'm sure some of the others will have advice.
04-29-2006, 01:34 PM
Make sure that when you compile your running VIS, the water's top surface won't render unless your running vis, you can run either normal or fast vis and it will compile
04-29-2006, 02:57 PM
done and done. thanks for ur help
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