Any tips on metal?
04-25-2006, 03:39 PM
I want to get into skinning, because I would like to make my own version of the MP40. I'm trying to work on metal:
Can anyone please give me tips on how to create believable metal?
Oh, and for future references, when you are skinning, are you supposed to create your skin as a seperate file, and then incorporated it into the default skin? Or do you skin it right on top of the default? Or is there a more complicated process?
04-25-2006, 05:52 PM
ok Ill send you a pm on better metal and stuff but the rest... what? do you know how to acually get the skin in the game yet?
04-25-2006, 06:12 PM
I know how to get my stuff in there, but what I would like to know is an efficient way to put them in. Like, would you create wood/metal first on a seperate file and then copy them on to an already existing skin, or would you just skin right in the existing skin?
04-25-2006, 06:13 PM
You open the skin you want to skin them just make your skin over it and save it how you always. Heres something like yours I made in like 3minutes.
how do you guys make it look like that
i just got Photoshop CS2
04-30-2006, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by Unk
how do you guys make it look like that
i just got Photoshop CS2
Here is some stuff you may find highly useful
04-30-2006, 05:08 PM
you should put more texture into it.
04-30-2006, 05:27 PM
Thanks for the suggestion. :) Another question comes up. For those who have been skinning, how do you know which part is which? For example, when you skin a Thompson SMG, there are way too many metal parts to know which one is which on your first try. :(
04-30-2006, 05:32 PM
you need a 3d modeling program like 3dsm. add colors and you will know what is what.
you could also probably use hlmv
04-30-2006, 06:16 PM
Can I also use SoftImage|XSI Mod Tool, which is what I see that Valve recommends?
05-09-2006, 05:23 PM
needs more sechs
Originally posted by SilentSteps
Thanks for the suggestion. :) Another question comes up. For those who have been skinning, how do you know which part is which? For example, when you skin a Thompson SMG, there are way too many metal parts to know which one is which on your first try. :(
Download the hl2 sdk and view the model w/ the Model Viewer.. (you can either color over parts of the existing, textured UV Map or somehow get it off of the model--in which you'd have to decompile the model and export it from a modelling program or any uv mapping program such as Lithunwrap [r.i.p]).
05-09-2006, 07:09 PM
whoa so your saying you can render your models that havnt been compiled in sdk?? If possible how?
05-09-2006, 07:43 PM
Wooaaahhh back up..
Mr. SilentSteps was asking how do you know which parts of the UV Map goes where on the model.. All I said was to view it w/ the model viewer--not needing to have a 3d modelling proggy.
As for "[rendering]... models that haven't been compiled in the sdk".. you don't need to compile models for reskins :confused: . I'm not quite sure what your saying there sir :eek:
EDIT: I think I (sorta) understand what you're talking about.. you can import the model reference(s) into a 3d modelling program, assign it's corresponding textures and view it from there..
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