dod_control_point_master error

04-21-2006, 07:22 AM
dod_manic is a timed map
and it doing some trange stuff

default team that wins when time ends is Axis
when the timer ends indeed the axis win, but
the credit goes to the allied players and they get the score ??

is this a bug or am i missing something:confused:

04-21-2006, 07:56 AM
well the allies probably had more flag caps so more points.
what happens if you set the flags to give loads of points to the axis if they hold them

(time point for axis) i think is the value?

04-21-2006, 10:02 AM
I think its a known bug. Winning Capture is displayed as the last person to cap a flag. If the axis can't cap back, then it'll be the allies that get credit.

04-21-2006, 10:15 AM
this is the strange thing
all flags are niether controlled
axis cant cap
time points are 0 for allies

04-22-2006, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by MrGrubby
I think its a known bug. Winning Capture is displayed as the last person to cap a flag. If the axis can't cap back, then it'll be the allies that get credit.
that blows
o well just have to wait till new obj map comes out.
they should have fixed it for that..

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