Trouble with custom content...

ok comp
04-10-2006, 07:12 PM
I finished my map (for testing at least) and after I compiled it, I realized I had to get my custom content in there, which consisted of only three things: the text file for my soundscapes, the text file for the map description, and the blendgrasscliff.vmt that I use in one portion of my map. I tried using winbspzip and I kept getting errors so I eventually just picked up Pakrat and added those three files that way, and saved it.

Apparently it didn't work well. The map description didn't work, only one sound from the soundscapes worked (one of the DoD sounds, the others were HL2 sounds that apparently didn't work) and the .vmt I added didn't work either (apparently, instead of being a blend it's just grass).

Obviously I'm not getting this. I thought all HL2 content was useable in official mods? Obviously my soundscapes text file made it in (otherwise it wouldn't have played ANY sounds in the background), but for whatever reason the others didn't work out.

EDIT: Ok, my friend put it on the server and now the soundscape isn't working at all aparently... which means that none of the files I added worked.

otF yetihw
04-10-2006, 08:08 PM
Ok I think you probably havent set the directory paths properly in Pakrat. When you add a file it will say something like, for the readme file, C:\Sierra\Steam\SteamApps\\day of defeat source\dod\maps. You need to click the file and click on edit, and change the path to JUST maps.

For the soundscape file change it to scripts. For the texture materials/therfoldername you put it in.

ok comp
04-10-2006, 08:54 PM
Ok, the way it is now is:

dod/maps (where the map description is)
dod/scripts (where the soundscape is)
dod/materials/nature (where the custom texture is)

So basically I had them all shortened, but I guess I shouldn't have included the dod? That might be what my problem is...

otF yetihw
04-10-2006, 09:05 PM
Yeah hopefully thats it, certainly all works fine for me if I put all the paths as if the dod/ already exsists.

04-12-2006, 08:39 AM
It's great that you used Pakrat.

It's a god send for server Admins when a Source map is packed like this.

You are correct in your folder path, remove the dod bit.

06-03-2006, 07:00 PM
I was using pakrat, but a single vmf file was not working. I would add it, but it wouldnt work in game, so i'd go back to pakrat and it wants to add the file again... It keeps trying to add the file on... so my map has 3 of the same vmf, and its still not working. And the file size of my bsp is huge because it has the same file several times...

Anyways, use Map Analyst... everything worked perfect the first time for me.

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