Weird Map Crash to Desktop

04-09-2006, 01:26 AM
This probably belongs in the support section, but the reason I put it here will become clear. I'm working on a map, saving it under a new name every so often in case I need to go backwards or something dreadful happens.
So far all's been good, but the latest version, when I run it, causes the game to crash and gives the following error:
"The instructions "0xd7991c3" referenced memory at "0x00000038". The memory could not be "read".

This version of the map is the only map that does this to source so I'm presuming it's something I've done within that version but I can't for the life of me imagine what it is.

At worst I have to back to the previous file and work from there which is not a bad thing because I wasn't happy with what I'd done anyway, but it would be nice to know what could possibly have done this.

otF yetihw
04-09-2006, 04:38 PM
Well I cant give you a good answer myself but reading this may help:

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