Problem with tree model?

03-25-2006, 12:48 PM
Need some help with one model in my map which I can see but some others are just getting a pink and black chequer board block.

The model is models/props_foliage/vrba1a.mdl which is the weeping willow tree.

So far we have managed to find these files which we guess relate to the model and included them in the .res file

"materials/models/leaf_ncweeping02de_de.vmt" "file"
"materials/models/leaf_ncweeping02de_de.vtf" "file"
"models/props_foliage/vrba1a.dx80.vtx" "file"
"models/props_foliage/vrba1a.dx90.vtx" "file"
"models/props_foliage/vrba1a.mdl" "file"
"models/props_foliage/vrba1a.phy" "file"
"models/props_foliage/vrba1a.sw.vtx" "file"
"models/props_foliage/vrba1a.vvd" "file"

Last time we tried it was still not showing properly.

Any help you guys can offer would stop me pulling out what little hair I have left :D

03-25-2006, 01:15 PM
when you get checkers it means there's a texture missing.

when it's a missing model you get a big red "error" where the model should be.

03-25-2006, 02:46 PM
So any idea how to find what texture for the model is missing or is it just a lucky guess?

Cant see why there should be a problem as it's a standard model in SDK

otF yetihw
03-25-2006, 05:10 PM
Im not sure, but have you used pakrat with the bsp? If not get/use pakrat and click the auto button and see if it adds the model or texture of whatever to the bsp, which could sort it out.

03-25-2006, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by [SAS]==Dirty_Harry
So any idea how to find what texture for the model is missing or is it just a lucky guess?

Cant see why there should be a problem as it's a standard model in SDK

it's not standard for dods.
i have seen a custom weeping willow model somewhere tho'.
send me a link to the model and i can tell you what's up.

03-26-2006, 04:06 AM
Thanks for the offer cheese-sarnie but after several hours of fiddling Colster has managed to fix it and the tree now shows up fine which is a big relief because it is the only one in the model folder which obscures vision like I wanted. :D

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