Rain map
hi, queria to know if somebody can do algun map with rain hehe, because all the maps that I see they are without rain, I do not believe that in any battle -.-'' does not find stowaway
03-18-2006, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by Buck
hi, queria to know if somebody can do algun map with rain hehe, because all the maps that I see they are without rain, I do not believe that in any battle -.-'' does not find stowaway POTD!
03-18-2006, 01:02 PM
That is pretty mean... though, I wonder what the hell he entered into the translation engine that gave him 'stowaway'...
To answer your question Buck I think that yes, there were battles in WWII that had rain pouring down on the soldiers doing battle, but the most likely reason for there not being many maps with rain in them is because the inclusion of rain hurts FPS (frames per second), and therefore is probably not a good idea to include in your map... personaly I would love to see rain in maps as well if it didn't hurt your FPS.
Wow, I hope that makes sense. I'm really tired right now...
but a rain like the one of de_aztec of counter-strike:source, I say, pondria, but like not becoming maps, nor skins, thing that i like:P:D
03-18-2006, 01:19 PM
i wasnt meaning to be mean, im sure i would find it very hard to even find this site in whatever langauge he speaks. Yes the problems of fps dropping is what stops rainy maps.
03-19-2006, 12:30 AM
/me taps the babel-fish in his ear. "i think this things faulty"....
not being mean, just amused :D
I'm not sure rain would cause much of a performance hit.
Even on my old xp1700+, 512MB ram and geforce 4, the rain in css's aztec didnt really cause any slow down.
03-22-2006, 03:01 PM
Aztec didn't really feel like it was raining, either.
It seems to be random (the rain in aztec) more often than not tho, it isnt raining.
I better shut up about CS:S incase it gets me banned from here ;)
El Capitan
03-22-2006, 04:20 PM
With a bit of fog in, rain just might be fine on the FPS. Its a pain in the arse to add at the moment though!
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