Tutorial request: tank objective

05-25-2003, 01:59 PM
I thought i remembered one form a while back, but i could find it in search, so I thought I'd ask, seeing as how i also could not find it on the web anywhere. So how do you make a tank, the objectice, and able to explode? Also, can anyone point me to where i could find a tutorial on ow and where to place my own sprites for objectives?(you know, like the for the tanks and secret documents on jagd..) Thanks in advance

05-25-2003, 02:28 PM
this one? http://www.dayofdefeat.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=386&highlight=bazooka

anyway, for an objective, go to func_breakable and tie your "target on break" to a score_ent or dod_control point

05-25-2003, 04:40 PM
yes i saw that, and no, that doesnt work, kinda. I can get the sprite up, and the objective. But whenever i shoot the objective, it doesnt switch the position of the objective.

For example. Theres an axis tank, an allied shoots it. The tank blows up, but the tank still remains on the axis side...

05-26-2003, 12:00 AM
yes offcorse, you gotta tie it to a dod_control_point,
add this
your func_breakable:

trigger on break: tank1


name: tank1
trigger: flag1


name flag1
can axis touch this point?: no
can allies touch this point?: no
model when axis control the point: models/mapmodels/null.mdl
model when allies control the point: models/mapmodels/null.mdl
model when no one control the point: models/mapmodels/null.mdl
(this is so there is no flag showing)

and the rest like a normal flag, then tie it to a dod_control_point_master if you use more tanks(just like you do with normal flag mode)

05-26-2003, 12:07 AM
I had all that except for the env_relay. I apparently dont have that entity. I've got no idea why i wouldnt. Thanks for the help btw

05-26-2003, 12:20 AM
The dod_point_relay is used to trigger a flag for a specific team ;)

05-26-2003, 01:03 AM
Ok, now i think i got everything, but thers a problem still. everytime i shoot the tank...HL crashes and goes to desktop....

05-26-2003, 01:06 AM
I made a small rmf usning only the halflife.wad last week but I never got to post. It includes how you make a tank explode using both bazooka or tnt.

It also have small bridge that can be blow with tnt.

Both works just fine and looks pretty good IMHO.

But I havent really got it work perfectly since onces the objectives has been blown, the map ends and I want it to reset the objectivs and start over.

Anyone has any pointers to what I should do to fix that?

EDIT: Updated it since Hairy told me whats wrong...

05-26-2003, 01:35 AM
Thanks a lot to everyone. I haven't got it working(going o sleep), but i really appreciate it.

05-26-2003, 05:05 AM
Kehldo, your main problem is you are setting the dod_score_ent to end the round, you have: End Game? Yes.

You don't need to set this, this well end the map and load the next map in the map cycle. Set this option to No

05-26-2003, 05:37 AM
Yay, youre rigth as usual. I actually had it right from the beginning but I was using hlfix to export my rmf:s to map:s and it didnt work as intended, when using hammers export it works just fine.

Updating the zip with working one

05-26-2003, 03:21 PM
Ok, i blow with entities, i need a step by step tutorial, any got one? Thanks a lot for your help, I've madea lot of progress. I just cant get it to where the second model shows up, and to where it captures the tank.

05-27-2003, 01:18 AM
This tutorial will will display 2 techniques for destorying objectives goals for maps.
The first one uses a func_breakable that can be trigger both with a dod_objective or a bazooka shot. The second one uses dod_control_point which requires a dod_object to “cap”

Name: TNT

Entities to use for the tank:

2 x env_model
2 x env_render
1 x multimanager
1 x func_breakable
1 x env_explosion
2 x env_sprite
1 x env_shake
1 x dod_control point
1 x dod_point_relay

Lets start with the models:

#1 env_model
First make a env_model ( The whole tank )
Name: Tank1
Modelname: models/mapmodels/panzer.mdl
RenderMode: Normal
Body: 0

#2 env_model
Copy it and place the copy at the exact same location as the first one.
Name: Tank1B
Modelname: models/mapmodels/panzer.mdl
RenderMode: Texture ( Makes it invisible at start with amount 0 )
Body: 1 ( Submodel 1 - blown)

#1 func_breakable
Now we need to clip it. Just cover the model with a brush and add metal from hlbasic.wad as its texture, that way if this shot with ordinary guns it will have metal sparks when hit. Turn it into a func_breakable.
Target on break: multi1
Material Type: Metal
Gibs Direction: Related to the attack
RenderMode: Texture ( we want it invisble)
TNT Group Name: TNT
Trigger when TNT is set: timer1
Delay before breaking with tnt: 5
Flags: Allied Only & Only Bazooka

#1 env_sprite
The countdown when you place a TNT charge on the tank.
Name: timer1
Framerate: 1
Sprite Name: sprites/mapsprites/c2_5to1count.spr
Scale: 2 ( you use whatever you like, its simply how big the numbers are)

#1 multimanager
Used to trigger the other things happening when the tank blows up.
Name: multi1
Turn off smart edit and press add.
Key Value
exp1 0
shake1 0
flame1 0
pr1 0
ren1 0
ren2 0

#1 env_explosion
Name: exp1

#1 env_shake
Name: shake1
Amplitude: 16
Effect radius: 1000
Duration: 1
Jerk/rumble: 255 (Big baraboom)

#2 env_sprite
Name: flame1
RenderMode: Addative
RenderAmount: 128
SpriteName: sprites/mapsprites/flames.spr
Scale: 2

#1 dod_point_relay
Name: pr1
Target: flag1
Team... : Allies

#1 env_render
Name: ren1
Target: Tank1
RenderMode: Texture (turn it invis with amount 0)

#2 env_render
Name: ren2
Target: Tank1B
RenderMode: Normal ( makes it appear )

#1 dod_control_point
The “flag” that is invisible for this objective and also controls the icon in the hud.
Name: flag1
Control Point Name: Tank One
Can Allies touch this Point: No
Can Axis touch this Point: No
Models when allies capture: models/mapmodels/null.mdl ( no visible model )
Models when axis capture: models/mapmodels/null.mdl
Models when point reset: models/mapmodels/null.mdl
String to show when capped: %p destroyed %n for the %t
Index: 1 ( must be unique ? )
There are alot of stuff to mess around with here but thats the basics..

Multi1 can actually be skipped if you name the env_renders, env_explosion, env_shake and dod_point_relay the same thing and have the func_breakable target it instead of the multi1, but since it only saves 1 entity it seemed easier for others to understand if I used the multimanager.

Ze bridge:

1 x func_breakable
1 x func_wall_toggle
1 x dod_capture_area
1 x env_sprite
1 x env_explosion
1 x env_shake
1 x multimanager

First you make your bridge and turn it into an entity, func_breakable

#1 func_breakable
Name: bridge1
Material: CinderBlocks
Gibs Direction: Random
Explode Magnitude: 100 (?)
Delay before breaking: 5

Flags: Object cap only

Now make blown up brigde and place if where the real brigde is located. Turn it into a func_wall_toggle:

#1 func_wall_toggle
Name: blown1
Flags: Start invisible

#1 dod_capture_area
Can Allies cap ?: Yes
Can Axis cap ?: No ( I only want the allies to be able to blow my bridge )
Number of Allies to cap: 1 ( I only need 1 man to blow my bridge)
Number of Axis to cap: 1 ( doesnt matter since they cant cap)
Time to cap: 2 ( how many seconds it takes to set the charge )
Target when allies complete cap: multi2
Requires Objective from this group: TNT

#1 multimanager
Name: multi2
Turn smart edit off and add the following:

Key Value
exp2 5
shake2 5
pr2 5
timer2 0
bridge1 5
blown1 5

#1 env_explosion
Name: exp2

#1 env_shake
Name: shake2
Amplitude: 4
Effect radius: 500
Duration: 2
Jerk/rumble: 255 (Big baraboom)
Flags: GlobalShake ( shake the whole map )

#1 dod_point_relay
Name: pr2
Target: flag2
Team... : Allies

#1 env_sprite
The countdown when you place a TNT charge on the tank.
Name: timer2
Framerate: 1
Sprite Name: sprites/mapsprites/c2_5to1count.spr
Scale: 2 ( you use whatever you like, its simply how big the numbers are)

#1 dod_control_point
Name: flag2
Control Point Name: the bridge
Can Allies touch this Point: No
Can Axis touch this Point: No
Models when allies capture: models/mapmodels/null.mdl ( no visible model )
Models when axis capture: models/mapmodels/null.mdl
Models when point reset: models/mapmodels/null.mdl
String to show when capped: %p destroyed %n for the %t
Index: 1 ( must be unique ? )
There are alot of stuff to mess around with here but thats the basics..

The tank part is partly taken from Qaukahs bazooka guide. Feel free to use this guides on your homepage as you like if you just mention me :)

If have any errors or anything feel free to correct me...

05-27-2003, 03:56 PM
Wow good read, lots of important info thx guys!

05-27-2003, 11:19 PM
Does the 'Strength' parameter work for 'Only Bazooka'???

When i check Only Bazooka, does it mean Instant bazooka??? Or does it mean the bazooka will deal a certain damage to the Strength?

Another thing, how much damage is being dealt per Bazooka direct hit? What about Bazooka splahses? Do splahses affect tanks slightly?

Can func_breakables scan for splash damage for Bazookas. (grenades can though!)

05-28-2003, 05:03 AM
no idea about the damage of the bazooka but suppose it does 100 damage and you put numbers in strength: 200, you have to hit it twice(like vicenza)

05-28-2003, 09:24 PM
Ahhhh, now i got it. I understand the multi-maniger now(which confused the hell outa me) and its working, but now it does not even show the HUD icons for the objective, nor does it change its appearence from the normal tank to the broken one...but i got a n idea of what it might be.

Solved it all, be carefull with your capital letters people...

05-29-2003, 01:22 AM
A question: If you set a Render Amount of 0 to env_render, would the targetted object still generate polies / decrease your fps?

05-29-2003, 01:31 AM
it's not being rendered so i guess it doesn't include epoly

05-30-2003, 07:38 AM
Originally posted by Quakah
it's not being rendered so i guess it doesn't include epoly

Correct...once rendered to "0" there are no epolys being generated.

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