Help With Models...Please

Sexton [28th ID]
03-14-2006, 01:05 AM
Ok I just need a simple question answered. Where do I put the skins for the dead cow and the jeep and things like these in the Release section here

If someone could tell me where to put them that would be great. Thanks in advance for the help.

03-14-2006, 01:45 AM
You have to look in the zip file and see how the directory structure is. Models always have two "parts": The materials (textures) and the model files themselves.

The materials (VMT and VTF files) always go into:
...\day of defeat source\dod\materials\models\... or some subdirectory thereof.

For example, the cows belong in:
...\day of defeat source\dod\materials\models\props_farm\

The rest of the files (VVD, MDL etc.) belong in:
...\day of defeat source\dod\models\...

Check the zip file to see which subdirectory the files are supposed to be in.

Sexton [28th ID]
03-14-2006, 12:14 PM
Ok, thank you very much. You have been very helpful and I really appreciate it. Thanks.

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