
03-11-2006, 12:29 PM
not by work ... just posting its release


Jimmy Crack Corn
03-11-2006, 11:23 PM
Is it for 1.3 or source?

AE | amadaiix
03-11-2006, 11:56 PM

03-12-2006, 08:48 AM
im pretty sure if you look at the screenshots provided you can tell ;)

03-12-2006, 09:01 AM
Originally posted by smak-
im pretty sure if you look at the screenshots provided you can tell ;)
If you look at the screenshots from the dod_devastation port, then you'll see it's actually hard to tell if you're not really paying attention to the screens.

03-12-2006, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by Maxey
If you look at the screenshots from the dod_devastation port, then you'll see it's actually hard to tell if you're not really paying attention to the screens. zing

03-13-2006, 03:16 PM
I think it's a pretty good map I like it (nice to have a new map although i heard it's a cs map..if it's not actually new it's new to me). Little too allied sided but w/e. Good job! :D

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