Texture projection question in XSI
03-08-2006, 01:42 AM
Not sure of the answer to this and wondering if anyone knows. Is the "Unique UVs (polymesh)" the only texture projection method that will work on a model? If an object in a model were in fact a perfect cube, would a Cubic XY projection work if the object was infact just a cube?
Trp. Jed
03-08-2006, 05:59 AM
Your speaking in tounges!
Don't have the manual to hand but doesn't projection refer to how a UV is made relative to the model? i.e. box projection splits the UV map into six sides and maps the faces on the model relative to the box sides?
Max talks of UV projections such as spherical, cylindrical, box, planar, etc. which are "primitive" methods for making a UV which you can then tweak further from.
If XSI defines them the same way then yes, all are valid for a mod, just probably not much use but probably good for getting a start. For example, with head models I use spherical projection to unwrap the head then refine from there.
03-09-2006, 04:05 PM
Fine! I'll just research it myself and write a book or something! :^)
El Capitan
03-09-2006, 04:16 PM
Your Waldo, you dont need help!
Black Lotus
03-09-2006, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by Waldo
Fine! I'll just research it myself and write a book or something! :^)
03-10-2006, 02:20 AM
Originally posted by Waldo
Not sure of the answer to this and wondering if anyone knows. Is the "Unique UVs (polymesh)" the only texture projection method that will work on a model? If an object in a model were in fact a perfect cube, would a Cubic XY projection work if the object was infact just a cube?
Err, I'm not an expert here and I don't have XSI in front of me, but I believe all "Unique UVs" does is make it so no face is overlapping in the UV map when it auto-unwraps for you. The other ones will probably just unwrap symmetrical geometry right on top of each other to conserve space.
...and I assume Source doesn't have a problem with that.
03-12-2006, 02:22 PM
I always choose "UV" instead of "unique UV (polymesh)" and it has always worked. I agree with Jed that it's probably more of a starting point for unwrapping.
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