Overlays: is there something I'm missing?

ok comp
03-02-2006, 11:09 PM
I'm trying to place an overlay over a displacement surface (to be more specific, I'm tyring to use the overlay_avaroad one) but when I play the map it's just a big black square. When I tried to use a different overlay, it didn't even show up at all.

I followed valve's tutorial but maybe there's something more I don't know about?

otF yetihw
03-03-2006, 03:22 AM
Im not too hot on overlays, but did you use the brush faces/pick tool?

ok comp
03-03-2006, 07:42 AM
Well, I used the brush face tool for the displacement itself, but I used the overlay tool for the overlay.

otF yetihw
03-03-2006, 09:53 AM
Double click the overlay for its properties and click on Brush Faces, then use the pick tool and select the displacement surface.

03-03-2006, 09:54 AM
otF yetihw was referring to the info_overlay properties: Brush Faces slot.

You can use the eyedrop tool to select the different displacements brush faces (represented by brush #) that the overlay displays on.

Then try adding some cubemaps into the map, run the "buildcubemaps" command ingame, reload the level (important), then see if they work.


ok comp
03-03-2006, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by ultranew_b
otF yetihw was referring to the info_overlay properties: Brush Faces slot.

You can use the eyedrop tool to select the different displacements brush faces (represented by brush #) that the overlay displays on.

Then try adding some cubemaps into the map, run the "buildcubemaps" command ingame, reload the level (important), then see if they work.


I understand that first part, about using the eyedrop tool to select different brushes for it to appear on. The displacement brush it's on at the moment is the only one selected.

I also added a cubemap, and I tied the brush to it, but I don't completely understand why this is necessary, shouldn't I be able to see the overlay regardless? Anyway, I compiled it and started up again and my overlay was still a big black box on the ground. When I typed in "buildcubemaps" in the game, it crashed.

03-03-2006, 10:43 AM
Sounds like you have some other problems, possibly a leak somewhere? Bad lighting etc...

The overlays in my map act up if i don't buildcubemaps. They get weird lighting if not. They are also necesssary for proper rendering of weapons shaders etc ingame.

Maybe posting the build log can help.

P.S - You don't have to "tie" the info_cubemap to any brushes. Just place it nearby.

Also, Go to the HL2World Editing Forums, chances are very good this question has been answered multiple times over there.



ok comp
03-03-2006, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by ultranew_b
Sounds like you have some other problems, possibly a leak somewhere? Bad lighting etc...

That's it! I hadn't considered the overlay was dependant on lighting... see, if there are no light sources in the map, everything is evenly lit, so I didn't think anything of it. I just added a light_environment and now it's visible. Cool, thank you all for your help.

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