Does anyone know...

02-14-2006, 05:15 AM
Does anyone know what new maps are in the pipeline? I've only just got the Source but played the orignal quite a lot and was quite disapointed by the lack of maps from the orginal - a couple I'd like to see would be that trench level with the mortar cannons, the bridge level where the axis had to blow it up and the British level where you had to capture the tanks.

02-14-2006, 07:30 AM
Originally posted by CraigWilkinsUK
I'd like to see would be that trench level with the mortar cannons

I think you mean charlie and is being remade at the moment see here, (a few posts down)

Originally posted by CraigWilkinsUK
I'd like to see the bridge level where the axis had to blow it up and the British level where you had to capture the tanks.

You mean Switch (formeraly known as Merdret) I believe thats being re-made but I cant find the link brb (goes for a rummage)

and dod_zalec I believe is the last map you mean, thats if you mean the one where the allies cap the fountain then an airstrike comes and the map changes so the allies have to destroy the tanks?

Anyway I havent heard about a remake for this.

02-14-2006, 07:49 AM
Originally posted by [oap]Agent_S
I think you mean charlie and is being remade at the moment see here, (a few posts down)

no, the one im thinking of was set in a forest - trenches near the allies spawn, big pair of trenches in the middle and a waterfall (i think) at axis spawn.

02-14-2006, 07:49 AM
lol agent you got everything wrong! :p

The bridge level is dod_escape and the british one with the tanks is dod_jagd.

The first one might be dod_glider and he doesn't mention it being on a beach.

02-14-2006, 07:54 AM
just been searching google, could the first map i'm thinking of be 'dod_forest'?

02-14-2006, 07:58 AM
Originally posted by CraigWilkinsUK
just been searching google, could the first map i'm thinking of be 'dod_forest'?
Oh, forgot that one. Anyway, forest is kinda of niche map, it is not very popular but has it's own small group of fans. I myself hate the map.

As for the next in the pipeline, rumor has it might be dod_jagd or a new objective map, as it was hinted before that Valve is working on objective code.

02-14-2006, 08:08 AM
do these new maps come out quite often? I'm busy enough with avalanche for now, never played it much in the orignal but now im seeing what I was missing out on

02-14-2006, 08:11 AM
Originally posted by Maxey
lol agent you got everything wrong! :p

The bridge level is dod_escape and the british one with the tanks is dod_jagd.

The first one might be dod_glider and he doesn't mention it being on a beach.

:o [cry] my age is starting to show :( aahh ofc Zafod was americans (doh)

Yea I hated forest too.

Anyway back to the OP, there are loads of custom maps some of them just as good if not better than the standard ones, you should have a look at these to expand ur map arsenal, after all you are in the mappers forum :D

02-14-2006, 08:14 AM
Yeah, Craig look in the releases sub-forum just above your thread and download some maps.

I recommend Anvil, Salerno, Panic, Tiger, Dijon and Smallhill.

02-14-2006, 09:34 AM
Originally posted by Maxey
Yeah, Craig look in the releases sub-forum just above your thread and download some maps.

I recommend Anvil, Salerno, Panic, Tiger, Dijon and Smallhill.

Don't forget Sora !

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