Weapon Limiting

02-12-2006, 12:36 AM
Hey guys.

I have nearly completed my aimer map that I am using to learn the ropes. I want to put it on our rented server but I would like to get rid of the MGs and Snipers. I have tried game_weapon_manager entity but I dont know the exact Weapon Classname to enter.

1) Do I use that entity or a class filter?

2) In hammer, what are the classnames/weapon classnames? (eg axis_sniper)

Also I was thinking of spawning everyone with no weapons, and have them running to a table with either kars or garands.

3) Is ^ this possible, and If so, how?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

02-12-2006, 01:08 AM
Originally posted by Talorc

2) In hammer, what are the classnames/weapon classnames?

I also need to know that ! :)

otF yetihw
02-12-2006, 08:55 AM
Head over to this thread:


Hopefully it will answer all your questions

02-12-2006, 09:18 AM
Here's part of my dogsector config, just paste this into notepad and save as yourmapname.cfg, in the .../dod/config folder, and edit the numbers as you need them:

// Class Limits

// Allies
mp_limit_allies_rifleman -1
mp_limit_allies_assault 4
mp_limit_allies_support 4
mp_limit_allies_sniper 0
mp_limit_allies_mg -1
mp_limit_allies_rocket 0

// Axis
mp_limit_axis_rifleman -1
mp_limit_axis_assault 4
mp_limit_axis_support 4
mp_limit_axis_sniper 0
mp_limit_axis_mg -1
mp_limit_axis_rocket 0

If you want an aim type map, instead of taking everyone's weapons and then spawning kars and garands on the ground at each spawn, just disable all classes besides the rifles in the config.

02-13-2006, 04:08 AM
Thx for your help guys. I am trying the cfg now and have a start with weapon limiting and weapon spawning now.


Also my water puddle finally worked. On a fkn roll, nearly worth a screenie.... But alas, it's only an aimer.

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