[MREL] Polygon's Thompson M1
V_Model Thompson Release!
Hello everyone,
I hope you enjoy this release; I'm very satisfied with the results so I decided to have this released early. In terms of re-releasing this skin, you may if you would like to as long as you give proper credit. Also, I did not add any more wear to the texture for fear of having it appear too worn. Again, if you would like to modify to that extent, you can as long as you release it properly.
Skin: Polygon
Model: Day of Defeat Team
Remeshing: DeadLOK
Download Here (http://www.dodstudios.net/~poly/Polygon/v_tommy.zip)
HS The Whap
05-24-2003, 03:18 PM
Amazing work man; as always :)
05-24-2003, 03:18 PM
05-24-2003, 03:19 PM
Ooh Yea! Awesome
05-24-2003, 03:19 PM
Hell Yes!!
looks amazing!
great stuff..ty
05-24-2003, 03:21 PM
Thats a beauty and no mistake, thanks!
I wish all my default weapons had skins like that.
ha ha! i knew he took the other thread off to release, man ur skinning is amazing.
like i said, all we need for these new models is a GOOD reskin! :D
very nice.
off topic: check your PM's, poly.
Russ. Conscript
05-24-2003, 03:51 PM
awesome job man
05-24-2003, 03:52 PM
Do you think you could make a dark and maybe wartorn version?
Even shouldered perhaps? :D
Wow this is pure artwork!
Real gj!
05-24-2003, 04:04 PM
Sweet! Thank you.
I love it, but I'd really like to see it shouldered.
omg... that is pwn... great job im definately downloading it...
i was just looking this over in hlmv and noticed some things:
1.there is no hole in the site, just two black dots on each end.
2.the reciever is mirrored on both sides, even though you can barely notice it ingame, its annoying
maybe we could get an updated version with these fixed?
full collapse
05-24-2003, 04:34 PM
Very nice, switching it with my old one as we speak.
05-24-2003, 04:46 PM
1. poly wvu
2. Nice
E.B. Sledge
05-24-2003, 04:48 PM
great skin.
just an observation though. there is no mag release lever on the gun. it a minor detail but i thought i'd bring it to your attention.
05-24-2003, 04:49 PM
Some matching P and W models would rock. Nevertheless, I'm using this. Nice job!
The Cheat
05-24-2003, 04:52 PM
Holy ass. I love it. As usual polygon, you have made the holy ****ness of skins.
Ilikecheese, why did you change your sig from Boondock Saints?
05-24-2003, 04:55 PM
The Cheat is Grounded
05-24-2003, 05:00 PM
We had that lightswitch installed so that you could turn the light OFF and ON. Not so that you could hold lightswitch raves.
Captain John Miller
05-24-2003, 05:41 PM
nice work Poly :)
looks really nice, Im going to put that skin on my 3.1 tommy. me hates new tommy
E.B. Sledge
05-24-2003, 05:56 PM
any pics of it in idle position?
Originally posted by The Cheat
Holy ass. I love it. As usual polygon, you have made the holy ****ness of skins.
Ilikecheese, why did you change your sig from Boondock Saints?
i didnt really change it, i just need to find a new host, im pretty lazy :rolleyes: dont worry, and shepards we shall be:D
Die Schlampfe
05-24-2003, 09:36 PM
This is an awesome skin for a otherwise bad model.
GJ Poly.
The only reason I dislike the default v1.0 Thompson model is the very huge front end of the gun and those really stupid idle animations that mess up my aim! Sometimes I lose my single pixel dot crosshair in the mess of the map and want to 'guess' with the barrel of my gun and I wind up shooting way off target, and I liked the b3.1 shoot animation better.
05-24-2003, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by Die Schlampfe
This is an awesome skin for a otherwise bad model.
GJ Poly.
The only reason I dislike the default v1.0 Thompson model is the very huge front end of the gun and those really stupid idle animations that mess up my aim! Sometimes I lose my single pixel dot crosshair in the mess of the map and want to 'guess' with the barrel of my gun and I wind up shooting way off target, and I liked the b3.1 shoot animation better.
Yeah, that's why shouldered wins ;D
I dunno, i'm really not crazy about this one. I've always *loved* your style for skinning guns, (you have a style all your own) but this is the first that didn't leave with that "new skin by polygon! must use this gun all the time now!" you're last garand and carbine's for 3.1 were just awesome. not sure if that's why i don't like this one that much...
part of it might be not having any scratches and marks on the metal. but you mentioned in your post you left them out on purpose. it's also the just the big flat parts of metal on the magazine and the top part of the gun...i can see a tiny bit of detail in there, but not enough to break up all the flatness of it.
downloaded and used it anyway :D
always looking forward to your DoD stuff and anxiously waiting to see your work in RO.
Originally posted by Fury
I dunno, i'm really not crazy about this one. I've always *loved* your style for skinning guns, (you have a style all your own) but this is the first that didn't leave with that "new skin by polygon! must use this gun all the time now!" you're last garand and carbine's for 3.1 were just awesome. not sure if that's why i don't like this one that much...
part of it might be not having any scratches and marks on the metal. but you mentioned in your post you left them out on purpose. it's also the just the big flat parts of metal on the magazine and the top part of the gun...i can see a tiny bit of detail in there, but not enough to break up all the flatness of it.
Its because he used the default 1.0 tommy that looks like a toy gun. Throw all that on a 3.1 tommy you will deffinately feel right at home.
Originally posted by ZePpEliN
Its because he used the default 1.0 tommy that looks like a toy gun. Throw all that on a 3.1 tommy you will deffinately feel right at home.
the 3.1 tommy and 1.0 tommy are the same models.
Originally posted by Selbstmord
the 3.1 tommy and 1.0 tommy are the same models.
Not exactly...the 1.0 has been scaled a lot.
05-25-2003, 01:25 AM
Originally posted by Foley
We had that lightswitch installed so that you could turn the light OFF and ON. Not so that you could hold lightswitch raves.
be my friend.
05-25-2003, 01:35 AM
very nice, me using.
05-25-2003, 02:00 AM
Originally posted by The-Jackal
be my friend.
of course!
holy ****! it looks better than in 3.1!!! :D
/me downloding and using :)
05-25-2003, 06:23 AM
:edit: nooo...no matching p and w models? :(
05-25-2003, 06:48 AM
Omg this is the best skin you've ever made and in my opinon the best skin ever released for DoD.
Wood is great, Metal is great, lighting is great!
Awsome work Poly. Can someone shoulder this????
Originally posted by Dun Leavy
Awsome work Poly. Can someone shoulder this????
One sec. I compiled it on sorta shoulder origins.
Originally posted by Fury
I dunno, i'm really not crazy about this one. I've always *loved* your style for skinning guns, (you have a style all your own) but this is the first that didn't leave with that "new skin by polygon! must use this gun all the time now!" you're last garand and carbine's for 3.1 were just awesome. not sure if that's why i don't like this one that much...
part of it might be not having any scratches and marks on the metal. but you mentioned in your post you left them out on purpose. it's also the just the big flat parts of metal on the magazine and the top part of the gun...i can see a tiny bit of detail in there, but not enough to break up all the flatness of it.
downloaded and used it anyway :D
always looking forward to your DoD stuff and anxiously waiting to see your work in RO.
I could understand that, my past skins have appeared very worn overall. However, there are scratches on the skin even though it doesn't seem like it. The reason for it not being "war-torn" is I just did not want it too appear decrepid really. I would suggest to any of you who want it more texture just to add what you please.
I know this is near impossible, since the model misses a stock, but is it possible too make P, and W models?
05-25-2003, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by Nemesis6
I know this is near impossible, since the model misses a stock, but is it possible too make P, and W models?
yes please! poly isnt gonna do it coz he would have done already. I know theres a few people here that has the knowledge to do so...anyone? :)
05-25-2003, 10:25 PM
whats this bump, you dont bump a poly release. It bumps itself
Originally posted by The-Jackal
whats this bump, you dont bump a poly release. It bumps itself
very true, gj poly
Originally posted by The-Jackal
whats this bump, you dont bump a poly release. It bumps itself
Hehe :)
Guys, what would you like to see next reskinned/skinned?
I was going to skin Ankalars BAR and the default DoD Springfield.
I would love if you skinned the default bar or garand.
05-26-2003, 10:43 AM
Has anyone began work on the p & W models for this amazing re-skin?
05-26-2003, 10:53 AM
im thinking garand poly. Garand.
Poly already made two Garands D: Ankalar BAR deserves a good, sharp reskin :O
05-26-2003, 11:18 AM
sexy looking
I'm going to be skinning Ank's BAR and the default Spring for sure. I'll probably also release the tweaked version of my Garand with the new 1.0 arms as well.
05-26-2003, 01:14 PM
would you consider fixing the front barrel of the gun? billy made it too wide when he was compensating for the rendering on the z-axis
05-26-2003, 02:01 PM
hey, just make a nice garand thread, and then do what you will with the bar. Then we'll all be happy. Mainly me.
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This in an partial archive of the old Day of Defeat forums orignally hosted by
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