H.U.D. Question
02-05-2006, 06:51 PM
I've looked around for an answer to this, but I couldn't find anything. Please forgive me if I haven't searched hard enough.
I've only recently been able to run DOD:S, and I've taken to edit my H.U.D. a bit. I mixed INsane's color scheme w/ bazooka's layout, with a few minor edits.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v485/Verhaden/question_1.gif (http://photobucket.com)
I'm wondering if it's possible to link that H.U.D. element to another sprite.
I was thinking it would be really cool to be able to put a personal logo or a clan/community logo there instead.
02-05-2006, 08:22 PM
Yeah, it should be possible. In HudPlayerStatusPanel.res under PlayerStatusAlliesIcon and PlayerStatusAxisIcon change the "image" entry to whatever your image path/name is. Needs to be in the materials folder or a subfolder of it to work, and you'll also need to create a .vmt file for the .vtf image (just extract and rename icon_obj_allies.vmt and edit any paths to point to the correct .vtf).
02-09-2006, 01:15 AM
bazooka is right on the money Verhaden.
Getting the .res file to find the graphic in the materials folder or one of it's sub folders is possible (have done it) and very easy.
Knowing how to make the .vtf and .vmt file and getting things like transparency to work correctly may be a stumbling block?
If you have a graphic you want in your hud and would like some help to make it and rework the .res file to display it please email me :)
02-09-2006, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by INsane_dod
bazooka is right on the money Verhaden.
Getting the .res file to find the graphic in the materials folder or one of it's sub folders is possible (have done it) and very easy.
Knowing how to make the .vtf and .vmt file and getting things like transparency to work correctly may be a stumbling block?
If you have a graphic you want in your hud and would like some help to make it and rework the .res file to display it please email me :)
Na. I have the graphical end down pat. The trouble is now trying to make a clear design at that size.
I was thinking that the above location might be where I would make the switch, but I thought it would be easier to ask on the forums rather than change it, load up the game, start my own server, then exit out.
That, and I thought it might have been linked to overhead player icons instead.
I'm good :)
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