spawn protection

02-03-2006, 10:24 PM
I'm editing a 1.3 map with bspedit and I want to add spawn protection to the map so that when allies walk through axis spawn doors they are stripped of their weapons. Can anyone help me with this?

02-04-2006, 12:19 PM
I don't know how to strip a player of their weapons, if it can be done at all. My favorite way of spawn protection is to teleport campers into a room where they die very slowly from a hurt trigger. You can specify which team gets teleported by which trigger, of course.


02-04-2006, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by earlzey
I'm editing a 1.3 map with bspedit and I want to add spawn protection to the map so that when allies walk through axis spawn doors they are stripped of their weapons. Can anyone help me with this? AFAIK, you can strip players of their weapons... but I forgot how. However, to make it happen through a doorway, you'll have to use a brush. And unless you know the exact coordinates of where the door is, you're gonna have to use Hammer.

02-04-2006, 07:48 PM
I know the coordinates of the door and I found how to strip players of their weapons, but when I tried to put the two together it didn't work for me. I wound up stripping them of weapons as they spawned.

02-05-2006, 08:52 AM
Maybe you need to add a filter_activator to control who can trigger the brush

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