Animation question
01-28-2006, 12:27 AM
I got 3dsmax8 and want to start modelling. How would I decompile source models so that I can view them in 3dsmax and hopefully learn something from them?
01-28-2006, 01:19 AM
there's a decompiler in "studiocompiler" from this site (
you need:
- studiocompiler (to compile and decompile models)
- 3dmax importer and exporter
- tutorials from that site ;)
then you can decompile a model, import it into max, change stuff or add stuff, export it, write a .qc and compile again.
good documentation about this is on
this site (
Trp. Jed
01-28-2006, 08:38 AM
Or simply look in your SDK content folder. Theres the source files for lots of types of models there.
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