[Mrel] Distant Sounds Model Pack

05-23-2003, 07:51 PM
This is a pack of p_models modified so that whenever someone shoots, you can hear their shoots from long distances. This idea was started by Podunkian back in 3.1 and credit for the idea goes to him. I edited the p_models that create muzzleflashes when they shoot to also include an event 5004 to play a sound that sounds like a "putt" of a firearm from far away. I will be posting a more in-depth tutorial to implement these into any model you want, for now these are for the standard models and replace ALL weapons. Osimus, re-d/l them cause the one I sent you didn't have pistols. The sounds are sorta a stop-gap thing right now and anyone is free to modify them to fit better, Im asking the Sounds forum for help there too. It's still sorta beta in my mind, try it, give feedback, and tell me if there are any glitches. The only drawback so far, these only play the sounds if the model is rendered, or if your looking in the general direction of them. Have fun, and hosting is done by Editor_321, a king of kings to this community in my opinion.

The tasteh file. You will need cookiehs to get them. :D

*edit* This is my second version with sounds for all weapons, fixed luger transparency, and better sounds that work perfectly with the original weapon sounds. I linked them here because the thread for them seems to be stuck in the Sounds forum... If you use the default sounds, you absoultely HAVE to try these out...*

-=Link to the thread, d/l in first post=-

05-23-2003, 07:53 PM
Will it play the sounds that are in your folder?

So if I have custom weapons sounds, it'll play them? or default?

05-23-2003, 07:57 PM
Opps guess I forgot about that. Yes, these sounds play independetly of the standard weapon shoot sounds, hence why they are in their own folder, "distant." I did this to leave it open to modification later. You can change your own weapon shoot sounds in the "weapon" folder and it won't effect this one bit.

05-23-2003, 07:57 PM
"The only drawback so far, these only play the sounds if the model is rendered, or if your looking in the general direction of them."

maybe we should set gl_cull to 1 and get another 20 fps drop?

also, will it play low-pitched sounds when you are very close someone firing, or is there a certain distance for it to switch to playing the low-pitched sounds?

05-23-2003, 08:00 PM
I was pondering about setting my cull on, but the last time I did that it lagged horribly. About the sounds, they play at the same time as the standard shoot sounds, just generally the shoot sounds overlap the distant sounds. They CAN be heard sometimes though, so I'm working on dropping the volume on the distant sounds and mesh them in better. Stop-gap methods, only a stop-gap.

05-23-2003, 08:05 PM
Great work there, kid. So far it's worked without many problems (a few isolated cases of the sound looping). Other than that it works pretty well.

05-23-2003, 08:09 PM
Yes, fantasmic work Dude. Hopefully some day someone on the DoD team will make this work even better and will replace looped ambience forever!!

Die Schlampfe
05-23-2003, 08:14 PM
Just a thought, I'd like to replace some of the sounds with my own shoot sounds but is it necessary to decrease the volume? (other than for realism sake).

I was planning on deamplifying them enough to be audible but not too loud as if they were up close.

05-23-2003, 08:17 PM
very nice.. tho it lags me.

/moved to sounds forum.

05-23-2003, 08:58 PM
It would be cool if we could beef up some of the sounds , the BAR and FG42 sound really good but some of the sounds dont have any balls. IT sounds REALLY cool when MG42s and 30 Cals are going at it in the distance.

05-23-2003, 08:59 PM
Testing out new sounds Editor is helping with. Will release two versions along with tut tonight. Working to make sure it doesn't lag too.

Die Schlampfe
05-23-2003, 09:03 PM
This is the most awesome idea Vash. I'm going to monkey with my own distance sounds after work tomorrow. I was so tired of being killed by a weapon that I couldn't hear, even at a medium range.

This solves all my problems, and I hope to use my custom shoot sounds from my weapons folder to create my own distance sounds, so that they 'fit', and I can't wait for the tutorial so I can hack the high poly P models I got.

05-23-2003, 09:30 PM
The sounds Editor is making for the original blends awesome! Hopefully I can get some kinda tut from him as to how to modfiy your own custom sounds too to get the same results. I'll be hopefully releasing two packs, one with the stop-gap methond sounds, and one with sounds for original. The new sounds are the original sounds, but quieter, they blend in perfectly at all ranges. Be on the lookout...

=DD=Wolf Kahler
05-23-2003, 09:50 PM
Woohoo!!! An other -fantastic- 3.1 idea I've been aching for! Thank you, Vash. I'll be getting this as soon as it's ready. :)

05-23-2003, 10:18 PM
New sounds out, check em out in the new thread.


05-24-2003, 12:11 AM
I uesed the distant sound pack in 3.1 before and I placed all the .mdl files and replaced them and noticed that EVERY weapon has traszors now..... Plus I put the "Distant sounds" folder in the dod/sound/weapons folder like in the 3.1 pack ver. put it is not really working for me...... not sure what i did wrong.. :(

05-24-2003, 01:18 AM
Make sure the p_models go into the "dod/models" folder and overwrite the ones there. As for the sounds, they go into "dod/sounds" Check the read-me, should say in there.

Devin Kryss
05-25-2003, 10:18 AM
Vash. This is the BEST thing ever. ive added to all my custom P models. so im gonan hafat update all my zips at editors site with these. release soon.

05-25-2003, 10:56 AM
They sound absolutly amazing in-game, thank you brother.

05-25-2003, 11:44 AM
Good stuff Vash. Thanks!

05-25-2003, 12:34 PM
Ah yes, thank you all for the feedback, so glad you all liked it. Just a little update at the top, I added my version 2 pack with the sounds that match up with the original weapon sounds. The version 2 also has the fixed luger model, I noticed I forgot to compile it for transparency. It's best if you also d/l the new pack because you need the new model for the transparency effect. All the models function the same, it's just the sounds that have changed in my Version 2 pack.

05-25-2003, 05:37 PM
The link to the distant_sounds_2 pack on the first page needs to be fixed. I love the new sounds, but the luger still needs to be fixed. Did you use the default models? 'Cause the colt in the pack is uhg-lee as sin.

Jack Handey
05-25-2003, 08:57 PM
Yeah, the link is snafu ;\

05-25-2003, 08:58 PM
I linked it to the thread smitty and the d/l is in the first post. The luger fix is in that thread, havent been able to upload it to the pack yet. As for the colt..yeah it's original, sorry, but it's geared for the original DoD setup, thats why the tutorial is there to help you integrate it into your own models.

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