Twisted fingers?

Trp. Jed
05-23-2003, 06:57 PM
Has anyone else noticed or know a reason why on so many of the DoD anims the fingers are twisted 180 degrees at the finger root?

I only noticed it today assigning bones to my mesh that the index finger was where the pinky should be and the palm was all twisted up.

- Jed

=DD=Wolf Kahler
05-23-2003, 10:15 PM
Ah, crap, I thought they'd fixed that. I did notice the first anim on the Axis paras had the forward hand twisted, but I didn't see it on the others, so I -thought- that problem from previous versions had been fixed, but I guess not. :(

Devin Kryss
05-23-2003, 10:46 PM
The animation where the fingers twist are never seen ingame, most use blend aniamtions, where the fingers are positioned correctly, so dont worry when you see twisted fingers.

05-23-2003, 11:35 PM
dont worry 'bout hands, a small detail, rarely noticed

Devin Kryss
05-24-2003, 02:29 AM
A Small detail my arse!!! Look at the ugly ugly hands!!!!

Its a mitten with fingers painted on it!! Tell me that seriously doesnt detract from the games appearance.

05-24-2003, 02:42 AM
theres no point in creating individual fingers if they wont be animated at all, besides by modelling each finger your just boosting the polies unnecessariily not to mention your putting more stress on the engine making it calculate skin allocation for every tiny face on those fingers, you are rarely close enough to ever see the players individual fingers under normal circumstances

Devin Kryss
05-24-2003, 02:51 AM
Damn man, you sound like a dev-team member or something. Of course its making my computer draw faces that will hog system memory, but i have 512 megs of that, so I need not worry. And its not uneccesary, considering I ahve the choice of either seeing some actual fingers, or a skin colored mitten. Look at the picture. Look at that pretty Tommy gun P model. Nice and detailed. Now look at the atrocity thats holding it. Its made up of about as many polygons as I have fingers and toes!! Its hideous. and it contrasts sharply with my high polygon, high detail P models. A round barrel, some nice sights, and a flat square is wrapped around it!

And what do you mean i'm rarely close enough to see a difference? im pretty DAMN close in that picture. Close enough to see some hands. Fingers are an important detail, no model is complete without them.

05-24-2003, 02:55 AM
If you care so much about it, learn to animate, add seperate bones for the fingers, and start fixing all 300+ play animations.

Some of us do care, unlike others, but it would take too long to do that.

05-24-2003, 03:06 AM
Originally posted by Devin Kryss
Damn man, you sound like a dev-team member or something.

see my sig

Originally posted by Devin Kryss
Look at that pretty Tommy gun P model. Nice and detailed. Now look at the atrocity thats holding it. Its made up of about as many polygons as I have fingers and toes!! Its hideous. and it contrasts sharply with my high polygon, high detail P models. A round barrel, some nice sights, and a flat square is wrapped around it!

i fully agree with you, but was just thinking that since 1.0 is such a resource hog, to lighten up on the polies, but since this is MSA, polies have no boundaries. the fingers would be a nice touch, as long as they didnt sink into the gun like some p models. they woudl require some extra work to prevent them from overlapping with other faces in the hands

Originally posted by Devin Kryss
And what do you mean i'm rarely close enough to see a difference? im pretty DAMN close in that picture. Close enough to see some hands.

heheh i also did say "under normal circumstances", few of us manage to look down the business end of a gun and live long enough to admire the detail :)

Trp. Jed
05-24-2003, 10:37 AM
Actually all I've done is seperate the index finger from the other 3 so it looks slightly more realistic. I'll post a pic soon.

- Jed

05-24-2003, 11:40 AM
there is no need to reanimate the hands if separate fingers were animated...there are already bones on the hands that bend them at the finger joints.

after i finish my v_model pack, hacking some separated fingers onto the player models is my next project.

05-24-2003, 01:51 PM
Yes it would be nice to see, but i dont know how many other people really care, it does look like mittens hehehe.

But o well.

05-24-2003, 02:33 PM
why not just use tranparancy to make it look like seperate fingers;) this way you save a lot of polys;)

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