Mortar field with smoke

12-21-2005, 04:45 AM
I would like to make a mortar field with smoke.

I have read this article about an explosion mortar field.

And I have change it to a push_button, so it is called once,
when you push the button.
I just set the Target Input of the env_explosion to Explode.
It is simple and works just fine.

Now I would like to change the explosion to smoke.
But I cant seem to figured it out.

First I tried with env_smoketrail, which look most like the smoke grenade,
but there doesnt seem to be a Target Input that tricker it on.

Then I tried with env_smokestack, it has both Toggle, TurnOn and TurnOff.
It works but only once.
The env_smokestack dosnt have a "repeatable" flag like the env_explosion.


1) Is it possible to turn on and off the env_smoketrail?
2) If not. How do I turn on and off the env_smokestack repeatable?
3) Or can you quide me on to some other solution?

12-21-2005, 05:53 AM
Hmm the smokestack should be repeatable, the toggle input would be kinda senseless if not.
Anyway, you could try to use the rate input instead (0 = off, somehow).

Dark Nation
12-22-2005, 11:34 PM
You could do it the hard HARD way and make it spawn an env_smokestack or env_smoketrail every time, then turn it off. I'm not quite sure how you want it set up or the series of events goes.

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